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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Really? Again with the okay sign? XD
Also lol, idk why I just don’t type uncensored cursing. So you guys get stuff like flip flap pattiwack.


Oof. Now that I think about it you haven't. You just did yeet, guess I mixed the two up because you posted the list of yeets as well.


lol. Also if you ever need to know something about Aaron for Nysaxiope's mind powers just ask. Probably let someone else post though because I sort of left an opening so Lunos and Night and all the other characters aren't just sitting in the back room.


I'm not failing Spanish like I thought I might and only have one C I'm working to bring up to a B now. :D
Also I drew a chicken on a poster for Spanish because I needed the project done and I mentioned chicken at some point in the jumble of Spanish sentences I wrote. lol


Oh my god I just checked my grades and on a social studies test I did minimal studying for and I only missed two points which is amazing me because one question I didn't know the answer to was a two-pointer so it means I got everything right


Nice! I have to study to do good in social studies, I'm forgetful with dates and such, but I still love all the history. I winged it on a communications test and got my grade to an A though. Sounds like we're both having luck with grades. XD


Oof. Congrats on those A's and B's though! Gotta look at the positives. Plus even if you have C's they're not D's or F's. :D


I'm cool with whatever pronouns. I have the same point of view as Haruhi from OHSHC if you know who that is, and it's that I believe it's more important for a person to be recognized by who they are rather than what sex they are. So I don't really mind anything. I am questioning my gender right now, but still.


Corru honestly pls delete yourself from existense

Commit toaster bath plz))

Lol. So much hate every time Corru speaks.
Also it turns out the laptop I have has been known for its charging problems and I got it before the problem was fixed in the newer ones being sold. So that’s fun to deal with. ._.