forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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@Diamond encrusted Noodle

Hello! I got your bug Euric, though why did you have to choose the centipede?

The what now

you bugged me, you should know what you sent to do so



@Shadow_Knight group

Night is PISSED!!!! She has had to deal with controlling spirits and she hates them with a passion. She doesn't like people controlling other people. In my world this type if spiritual controlling is very much a form of abuse. Night tries her hardest not to do this but it is kind of hard when the person your sharing a body with wants to do the exact opposite of what you want to do.


Shadow Knight (I forgot the other name you gave) if you remember our chat from a while ago I mentioned how Corru has Aaron’s trust and manages to keep that trust but doesn’t have very good intentions. He is very much manipulative for his own gain and rarely sees any wrong in doing so. While Aaron may have a temper he backs off when he knows he’s gone too far, Corru won’t and doesn’t bother caring what others think.

@Shadow_Knight group

Shadow Knight (I forgot the other name you gave) if you remember our chat from a while ago I mentioned how Corru has Aaron’s trust and manages to keep that trust but doesn’t have very good intentions. He is very much manipulative for his own gain and rarely sees any wrong in doing so. While Aaron may have a temper he backs off when he knows he’s gone too far, Corru won’t and doesn’t bother caring what others think.

You can just call me Shadow.


As you can tell, Corru is the least agreeable and the most easily angered when it comes to Aaron and him

Deleted user

Lunos is just like "These bitches are stupid." becuase he's a lil' shit.

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

@"Shadow Knight is terrified for The New Year!!!!! 🎆🎇🎉🎊"
one question, is night touchable to not only ghosts? or is it only intangible things? this is important for my next response

@Shadow_Knight group

@"Shadow Knight is terrified for The New Year!!!!! 🎆🎇🎉🎊"
one question, is night touchable to not only ghosts? or is it only intangible things? this is important for my next response

Night can be touched by actual people and objects. If she focuses she can't but seeing that she is preoccupied with Corru and not aware of her surroundings than yes.

Deleted user

Lunos just tapped someones shoulder and coated them in a layer of ice. W h y d o e s B e e d o t h i s ? - Lex


I’ve just been watching CSI, Special Victims Unit, and the occasional comedy since I’m sick. ._.
Also Corru is the opposite of Night. He has to focus or be angry to interact with the physical world, not affecting and even phasing through some things when he’s calmer. He gets really uncomfortable and wierded out if someone/something does phase through him when he doesn’t expect it though.