forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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The longer an RP or other thread goes without a post the more it's buried in the pages. Bumping is just posting something on a thread so it's back on the first page. Also my post will be up in a sec.

Deleted user

Sketch, what type of magic is the strange dude using?
I was wondering because, as a Fae, Lunos can see through certain magic.


Oof. Also strange dude is Corru right? He’s just a ghost. So magic that lets him allow others to see him, allow himself interact with the physical world if he focuses or is angry, and having a link with Aaron he can sometimes take control. He can't interact with someone directly without showing himself to at least that person, meaning if he were to try to pick a fight the person he's fighting would see him.


If your talking about Aaron I have a whole mess of notes on kitsune abilities.


Hello. Looks like the site got an upgrade. Honestly the layout made it so easy to customize some templates I wanted to change. :D


Yep! I was a bit confused at first because it was late and didn't get a chance to see the announcement before the update, so I didn't know what was being updated. It's amazing with how easy it is though.


Is it just me or is there a noticeable trend where a lot of people aren't on during weekends? During the weekends a lot of threads seem nearly dead or slowed down to me. Maybe I'm usually just not on when most people are…


Oof. I'm guessing because some people have church or other religious things and others might being getting errands done on weekends. I just stay home and help family, since I'm older than my sibling and home school, so I'm on during any free time. I hope you feel better soon!


Oof. Relatable. I usually do that with my Spanish practice… I should have picked easier classes.


I've been in Vancouver, Canada to see some of my cousins and aunt and uncle since they were there to see the hockey games and I just got back home and you know when one problem you have with your body is gone another replaces it but instead of my stomach feeling like it was attempting to murder me now I have a thiNG ON MY EYELID WHICH FEELS LIKE IT WILL MURDER ME


You honesty sound like you have the worst luck with getting sick, so hopefully you get better to at least not feeling like something will murder you. Also why does Euric Has A Knife? I'm curious how that username idea came about.


Lol. I love that vine. I have this one soldier character and a child character that fits that vine so well too.


I made that name because there are trends with names on this site of course and people have switched to blade-related names and I like knives and own multiple and keep one in my nightstand so I was like,'what better thing would suit me?' so yeah