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Started by @InstaOnly

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I have my little fluffy dog character named Quest. He was a part of dog fights made for the rich to bet on until the whole thing got shut down when a losing better ratted the group out, having injuries dealt with or simply be 'improved' with tech so he could keep fighting. Now he lives with one of my other characters, and though he loves going to do errands like grabbing the newspaper for people he's skittish around big dogs. His new owner is careful to not make Quest feel like he's being forced into anything.
Also okay than I might add them when I have the chance, they don't really take physical form often since their kind of ghost characters. So I'll just put a short personality and appearance thing here in a sec.

Deleted user

Let's see!
Lunos was held in captivty and studied for a while…


Apparently a sec became an hour…. anyways!
Aaron- You guys have already seen how he can be difficult and unstable at times. He's actually the nicest(or at least the most approachable) of the trio, even if it takes a while for him to warm up to people he genuinely tries to do the right thing even if his views on what may be right or wrong are messed up.
Jack- The most reasonable but also the coldest, berating Aaron over the past even when he doesn't mean to. He is often indifferent about others and rarely shows himself. When he does show himself he has curly black hair, light skin, and worn down clothes. His clothes consist of a whiteish-greyish T-shirt and blue pants along with a deep blue sleeveless cloak with no hood. Has black eyes that make him difficult to read at times.
Corru- Manipulative and has bad anger issues. He often goes by 'The ends justify the means' and will push those he knows to live by it as well with no thought to how it will affect them. He is more likely to show himself, especially when someone specifically tries to anger him. He has unkempt ginger hair, slightly tanned skin, freckles, and orange animal like eyes. He sometimes switches control with Aaron. He wears a plain wool tunic that ends at the hip and simple black linen pants with tan chukka style boots.


I might have a character who is experimented on, my story is still in the beginning stages so idk yet. It would make sense for there to be characters that are experimented on in my world, so I'll probably have one or two.

@Shadow_Knight group

I have a character called Chesh who was experimented on. She was experimented on a group of scientists who tried to create a super soldier. Two people of this scientist group, Ava and Zara, found it wrong and tried to burn the place to the ground. Chesh escaped and ran off to find Titakii.


Corru is like Night and Nykidia, sharing a link with Aaron through their soul. When he does show himself he is ghostly in appearance because, well, he's a ghost. Jack is someone Aaron knew in the past, and sticks around and while cold helps Aaron by reminding him to keep his magic in check. For the most part Jack keeps to himself, Corru intervening more with being more likely to show himself or influence what Aaron does.


Alright! I'll make sure to get a post up today, I've kinda been leaving some time in case Euric wants to post or anything.


He excused me from all of the work I missed (and I had missed an entire unit) and said it was because he knew I was gonna have a ton of other homework to make up for my other classes. Also he doesn't for us to do proper citing on our projects. And grades aren't very important to him because he believes the learning is more important.


No one's posted so I might. I just want to know if I should include Corru or just bump the RP with the post.


Oof. No rush, take your time and deal with life. I understand people need time when they're busy. I was just wondering if I should bump the RP with a quick post or put my second character in now as well.