forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Mojack group

My throat feels so weird right now and that’s what I’m gonna be rude to. It’s like a weird tickle like someone’s tickling the inside of my throat with a feather but it also hurts (very mild pain)
I had a headache yesterday, and a stuffed nose the day before.
Am I just getting a cold, but all the symptoms one day at a time?

or is it PMS… each day is a spin the wheel…which symptom will it be tomorrow…

@spacebluelily language

many parents just expect their children to take care of them when they grow older, but that's not really what happens. I mean, a lot of children would gladly just leave their parents at a retirement home and never really visit them. Or in other cases, move out, never talk or see them again, and leave them to their own fate. and even if their child did decide to take care of their parents once they become old, not everyone does it out of the goodness of their hearts.

@ElderGod-kirky group

that's not our responsibility
they have to take care of us for 18 years because that's the obligation of popping out sex-summoned demons. but we never created parents, and therefore it's not our duty to take care of them until their dying breath. retirement homes are a thing for a reason

@tungsten fastfood

Personally I like my parents a lot and wouldn't mind daily assistance for them. They're good people.

buuuuuuut if your parents aren't good for you or your life, you shouldn't feel guilt for not being there (dumb society shit) and it's valid to cut them off. just keep thinking that.

Deleted user

I'll take care of my parents, but I won't be necessarily joyful about it. More like, If I don't, their deaths are on me, and I'm not sure I need nor want the world to know who and what I am quite just yet.


sure would be nice if I could get diagnosed/medicated for my fucking ADHD. it's been getting worse/more noticeable in the past few months and guess who's taking the fucking ACT soon? guess who hasn't fucking studied bc their brain is like "studying and acing the test would be cool and all but what if we just watch YouTube instead"??

me. that's fucking who. i want drugs

@HighPockets group

If it's any consolation, I barely studied for the ACT and did pretty well. If you've done any of those "read a chunk of text and then answer these questions about it" worksheets you should be good at the English and Reading bits


i have, and I'm not worried about the English and Reading bits. I'm gonna ace those

I'm stressed about the math portion. I'm working my way through Algebra 2 still and I'm shit at remembering equations so