forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


My school's special education aids actually suck.
One of them has no idea how to help a student with overwhelm, and doesn't even notice when it's coming on/what causes it until they need to be pulled out of class.
Another tells a student with one of those voice tablets what to say/click instead of letting him choose his own responses.
And the others just seem constantly annoyed and sick of their job, which I'm sure really uplifts their students.


I hate special Ed teachers
I’m pretty sure I have a learning disability
And I get overwhelmed easily which causes a meltdown
And yet I never gotten any help
I just keep getting ISS and detention
No guidance counselors ever thought about it

@tungsten fastfood

Id like to be rude to the BTS discord (excluding Ella, Kirke, MJ and Pickle) for kicking me from the writing server and blocking me instead of asking my side and trying to work it out 😘🥰

?????? What???????

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

I'm sorry for what I said. There's a lot going on, and I attacked people, and that's not okay. I understand that not everyone is out to get me, and that some people here do care about me.

I want to especially apologise to
As well as Ella, Kirke, and Ash.

I'm not in a good place right now, and while that's not an excuse, I hope it servers as an explanation. I'll try harder in the future, and seek help according to my issues.

Love you guys, stay safe.
Seeba xx

@HighPockets group

Ughhhh not only do I have to write 8 essays for my psych class, I have to give peer feedback on FIVE for each topic :/ I thought I'd have to read through like two others tops

@Space group

I had to say Eyjafjallajökull like 50 times in one presentation/essay and it makes me mad. I don't have a genuine reason, I'm just tired of saying it xd


UGH at least two have clips from Dr. Phil as what we need to "analyze", I hate it here

my psych professor told us like every other week that Dr Phil doesn't actually practice real psychology??? it's just pseudo psychology??

@HighPockets group

UGH at least two have clips from Dr. Phil as what we need to "analyze", I hate it here

my psych professor told us like every other week that Dr Phil doesn't actually practice real psychology??? it's just pseudo psychology??

Yeah, Dr. Phil is a shitty person and not a real psychologist but we keep getting assigned clips of people discussing mental health issues on his show, like ????


UGH at least two have clips from Dr. Phil as what we need to "analyze", I hate it here

my psych professor told us like every other week that Dr Phil doesn't actually practice real psychology??? it's just pseudo psychology??

Yeah, Dr. Phil is a shitty person and not a real psychologist but we keep getting assigned clips of people discussing mental health issues on his show, like ????

yikes. like the show can be interesting to watch but it's not real psychology at all??


UGH at least two have clips from Dr. Phil as what we need to "analyze", I hate it here

my psych professor told us like every other week that Dr Phil doesn't actually practice real psychology??? it's just pseudo psychology??

Yeah, Dr. Phil is a shitty person and not a real psychologist but we keep getting assigned clips of people discussing mental health issues on his show, like ????

yikes. like the show can be interesting to watch but it's not real psychology at all??

It’s more funny than educational

@Pickles group

Dr phil is an absolute dick who not only exploits people for his own personal gain but is actively trying to avoid taking responsibility for sending kids to be traumatized for weeks on end under the guise of "help". He's a fucking fraud and I hope hell is real just for him.

@ElderGod-kirky group

brain, why you give no inspiration to write?
that's literally all i want to do, and you deny me this?
a crime against the limited humanity a writer possesses
i shall haunt the ghost that powers you until they give me what i desire

in other words
fuck me and my inability to come up with good written content


Dr phil is an absolute dick who not only exploits people for his own personal gain but is actively trying to avoid taking responsibility for sending kids to be traumatized for weeks on end under the guise of "help". He's a fucking fraud and I hope hell is real just for him.

all fax here