forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


no reason for my profile pic to have the bi flag when I'm #gay

in that ‘I was a sock once’ voice
I remember… when I thought I was bi


@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i just took my history final, and the kids in the class across the hall are being SO fucking obnoxious. i hate it here, i didn't even wanna do this test and they're not helping. like they KNOW we're testing, disrespectfully, shut the fuck up.

@ElderGod-kirky group

letter is still pending because imma send email for the sake of ease

but I got my transcript! GPA needed for the college I want is at least a 3.55
I think I'm fine
SAT and ACT scores aren't needed, thank fuck
took an AP class and passed so that should be in my favor
uhhh portfolio duh because writing major
and then finances because I'm a broke bitch


sheltering in the basement bc of a tornado warning :) could lose power :) i like earthquakes better, at least they happen and then they're over, these stupid fucking tornado things just drag on and on and on

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

sheltering in the basement bc of a tornado warning :) could lose power :) i like earthquakes better, at least they happen and then they're over, these stupid fucking tornado things just drag on and on and on

as someone who lives in an extremely tornado prone state, i think i'd take an earthquake over a tornado any day


good luck and stay safe, Ice!

storm band was super thin and fast-moving, I'm no longer in the tornado zone but there's still the possibility of losing power

@HighPockets group

sheltering in the basement bc of a tornado warning :) could lose power :) i like earthquakes better, at least they happen and then they're over, these stupid fucking tornado things just drag on and on and on

Stay safe Ice <3
We have a warning here but we're at the very edge and will hopefully/probably be fine


sheltering in the basement bc of a tornado warning :) could lose power :) i like earthquakes better, at least they happen and then they're over, these stupid fucking tornado things just drag on and on and on

Stay safe Ice <3
We have a warning here but we're at the very edge and will hopefully/probably be fine

Good luck!


Wanna be rude to my friend's cousin (who is part of our friend group) bc he's one of those guys that just, doesn't really let people enjoy things? Like, we all went to see Eternals together today (which I thought was really fucking good, it was 100% character driven and just really different from what most Marvel/superhero movies are, and I thought it was really good) and as soon as the movie was over he was complaining that it was awful and terrible and the worst movie ever. Also there is one character who is kinda mysterious throughout the movie, but comic readers immediately know who he is. I haven't read a ton of comics. I didn't know who he was. Neither did anyone else in the group. But this fucker looks at us like we're all stupid and goes "what do you mean you don't know who he is??" and like. shut the fuck up E, I'm allowed to like Marvel movies without knowing absolutely everything about the comics you stupid irritating fuck. Anyways he did the same thing with Black Widow, bitching about how it was "awful" and they "changed things from the comics" and all this shit, and if you dare to say you enjoyed one of these movies he gives you these super judgy looks, like??? I really liked both Black Widow and Eternals, because they were different, not these same cookie cutter movies starring white guys named Chris. Eternals was amazing. The couples??? the found family??? the dynamics??? bitch please it was amazing, shut the fuck up

anyways yeah. movie was amazing and I wanna rant about it to someone who's actually seen it so uhhh yeah, I made a chat in the "movies" section (there are!! spoilers there!! please don't click on it if you haven't watched it!)


I have absolutely no respect for people who refuse to get vaccinated when they very easily could.

I'm getting vaxxed for my 18th bday 😌
My friends gunna take me to Walgreens I hope lol idk where else they do it