forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

Mine's going…ok? I'm on ADD medication now, I got to be in an AMAZING play, and I figured out what I want to do for college, but unfortunately school is being very annoying about online options :/

All good things. I'd love to hear about your play!

College is rough - ah well you all know how I feel about college. ;) I'm sorry its being annoying though. What about the online bit is being shitty? My partner is doing school online right now too and only has absolute shit to say about it. lol - so I feel you

I was late joining it so we had to scramble a bit to get classes, but beyond that it's going decent.

Deleted user

I don't know you but hello!

Oh hello

I'm Eris (considered an OG, I suppose) creator of this thread and the original "Rudeness" thread.

You can think of me as the living embodiment of Meg from Hercules. Or Hades - Some peeps cant stand me. lol

I am the Martini Aunt.😅

@Althalosian-is-the-father book



Work is good. Work consumes me. Coworkers are pretty good. Started a new book idea that I’m wildly Pinteresting for. Got covid for probably the second time a month ago which was lame but not threatening.
Oh my goodness I’m so glad you’re here

Im on that same boat about work - adulting suckkkkkkkssssss
I also got covid. D:
Dude - another new idea? Hahahahaha I can't wait to hear about it. In the Althalos universe?

No it’s in a world I might try to fit in there but probably won’t work. The place is called Ennôti and the story I’m working on I’m trying to base in fragments of African mythology with the lack of knowledge I possess. I just started so research is in order, but so far the only pantheon I’ve discovered is the Orishas I think they’re called. The story’s about Noli, a twelve year old who has her parents souls (among many others) stolen by Agahsi the Smoke Snake. She goes on a quest to find out how to return them with the help of a mysterious tall man (who’s secretly a Sky Giant).

Deleted user

Eris!!!! :D



To be talking to people I actually like for once? Lol


Deleted user

Mine's going…ok? I'm on ADD medication now, I got to be in an AMAZING play, and I figured out what I want to do for college, but unfortunately school is being very annoying about online options :/

All good things. I'd love to hear about your play!

College is rough - ah well you all know how I feel about college. ;) I'm sorry its being annoying though. What about the online bit is being shitty? My partner is doing school online right now too and only has absolute shit to say about it. lol - so I feel you

I was late joining it so we had to scramble a bit to get classes, but beyond that it's going decent.

Did you still land classes that you wanted though?

Deleted user



Work is good. Work consumes me. Coworkers are pretty good. Started a new book idea that I’m wildly Pinteresting for. Got covid for probably the second time a month ago which was lame but not threatening.
Oh my goodness I’m so glad you’re here

Im on that same boat about work - adulting suckkkkkkkssssss
I also got covid. D:
Dude - another new idea? Hahahahaha I can't wait to hear about it. In the Althalos universe?

No it’s in a world I might try to fit in there but probably won’t work. The place is called Ennôti and the story I’m working on I’m trying to base in fragments of African mythology with the lack of knowledge I possess. I just started so research is in order, but so far the only pantheon I’ve discovered is the Orishas I think they’re called. The story’s about Noli, a twelve year old who has her parents souls (among many others) stolen by Agahsi the Smoke Snake. She goes on a quest to find out how to return them with the help of a mysterious tall man (who’s secretly a Sky Giant).

I'll by 4million copies, kay? Thanks.

@HighPockets group

Mine's going…ok? I'm on ADD medication now, I got to be in an AMAZING play, and I figured out what I want to do for college, but unfortunately school is being very annoying about online options :/

All good things. I'd love to hear about your play!

College is rough - ah well you all know how I feel about college. ;) I'm sorry its being annoying though. What about the online bit is being shitty? My partner is doing school online right now too and only has absolute shit to say about it. lol - so I feel you

I was late joining it so we had to scramble a bit to get classes, but beyond that it's going decent.

Did you still land classes that you wanted though?

Yep! I have all of my credits so it's pretty smooth sailing from here til May

@Mojack group

welcome back Eris!! life’s pretty smooth, some ups and downs lately but I’ve been taking things at a slow pace
I’m fully vaccinated for COVID, and no longer have a major fear of needles
most major thing was that I got my hair cut a few weeks ago! It’s a little bit below my ears now, before it was close to my mid back at the longest :) Shortest I’ve had it since I was a toddler; I’ve always had it at varying lengths but never that short. it’s so much easier to care for now though. and I recently discovered (within the past few days) I’m capable of pulling off some 80s hairstyles with it…
Also been working on my cooking skills lately! Always been interested in it, but having a food and culture class this year helped me push to develop those skills more

Deleted user


Hello there my pickly little gorgeous friend <3

How are you?!!

Oof - Life, ya know?
I'm actually much better than I was a few months ago :)

So i think in the long run - I am good.

How's you?

Deleted user

welcome back Eris!! life’s pretty smooth, some ups and downs lately but I’ve been taking things at a slow pace
I’m fully vaccinated for COVID, and no longer have a major fear of needles
most major thing was that I got my hair cut a few weeks ago! It’s a little bit below my ears now, before it was close to my mid back at the longest :) Shortest I’ve had it since I was a toddler; I’ve always had it at varying lengths but never that short. it’s so much easier to care for now though. and I recently discovered (within the past few days) I’m capable of pulling off some 80s hairstyles with it…
Also been working on my cooking skills lately! Always been interested in it, but having a food and culture class this year helped me push to develop those skills more


All good things - especially the cooking bit. Ya'll know I love some good food. :D
10/10 with the shorter hair. I hope you're rocking that 80s volume (but without the crazy amount of hair spray)

@Pickles group


Hello there my pickly little gorgeous friend <3

How are you?!!

Oof - Life, ya know?
I'm actually much better than I was a few months ago :)

So i think in the long run - I am good.

How's you?

Okay, I think? I keep forgetting to take my meds because I don't like the water here
I don't remember the last time you were here so I'm gonna speedrun all the things that have happened for a while
I came out as bi, got ✨diagnosed✨ with depression, came out as genderfluid, became a leftist, became a witch, left christianity, became a wiccan, left that, became an omnist pagan, got a girlfriend, moved to college, became a communist, broke up with girlfriend, got discord, started the process of getting tested for adhd, got told they didn't take my insurance AFTER my first appointment, cancelled the rest of my appointments, heavily considered admitting myself almost purely to get diagnosed with all the things because clearly depression isn't the only thing happening, and have procrastinated everything
Almost in that order

Deleted user

eris!!! hi!!!! we only interacted a few times a long, long time ago, but it's good to see you back.

@HighPockets group

It's so nice to have an animated movie where the parents are just…good. They're not secretly evil or locking their kids away for their own good, they're just good parents. And also their relationship is neither toxic nor unrealistically perfect. I need to rewatch Emperor's New Groove sometime soon.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's so nice to have an animated movie where the parents are just…good. They're not secretly evil or locking their kids away for their own good, they're just good parents. And also their relationship is neither toxic nor unrealistically perfect. I need to rewatch Emperor's New Groove sometime soon.

Not the discussion I pictured but cool