forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Space group

I was born with a Diaphragmatic hernia mesh and can't properly breathe half of the time. My ribs are practically broken due to the surgery and go WiGgLE pOp SnAp and there's a huge chance they can puncture my lungs. But hey I'm here until that happens so imma make the best out of the time I have. Also I loathe cancer with a passion. It runs in my family and has taken so many of my loved ones. The point is to keep going and not let some dumbass cells ruin the good things that are left.

@Space group

I have days when I'm like "Damn right I'm the main character." Then other days I'm forced to consider if I was written off in the first chapter, or even in the book to begin with.
But then you gotta remember that no main character had a paved path and some of their stories are a rollercoaster of emotions made by Satan himself. And if their path was easy, then it likely wasn't worth experiencing.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

I've never met someone who gets it. I don't know what to say.
If it bad sometimes I wish I hadn't lived? Like my heart had exploded. Or maybe that it was meant to be that was, and I'm interfering with fate?

@Space group

It's not bad to acknowledge your emotions and feel them, you can't just run from them, I've tried that for years so either I'm really bad at cross country or it's impossible. But for real though, You're not a burden to this world, if you don't wish to have the life you are currently living, take that chance to turn it into something you enjoy. Purge what you don't like and embrace what you do.
I assure you, you did not interfere with fate. But if I'm wrong (and that chance is very slim) then why in the world would you let that stop you. Create your own destiny/fate.
You bow to no one so don't be afraid to grab life by its throat. Seize it, for it is yours. Mold it into your own beautiful creation

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

It's hard. It's hard to make it what I want. All I want is to sleep and stare at walls, how am I supposed to make my life what I want if i don't have control over it?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Y’all gotta learn gratitude. This isn’t a reproach or aimed at anyone in particular. But quality of life improves so much when you open your eyes to the myriad of blessings in your life and see them as they truly are. Bad days are still gonna be just as bad, but the everydays will be so much better.

I’ve been needing to hear/see something like this for a while now. Thank you.


@Space group

You can start by finding something you enjoy. Hobbies you like. Projects you want to do. Places you want to see. Dreams you want to achieve. Give your life purpose, find meaning, make a list of goals. Then chase them. Achieve them. Little by little you can build a life that makes you happy. It won't happen overnight, but it's a start.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

yeah BTS is an inside joke of a bad fan fiction we all read together. I'm only hopping in to defend that and please stop talking about it negatively 👉👈 ty

Was I not there that day? I know I missed some bc I was supposed to be doing school. To this day I am glad that I missed Trump smutfic day and yet…

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

You can start by finding something you enjoy. Hobbies you like. Projects you want to do. Places you want to see. Dreams you want to achieve. Give your life purpose, find meaning, make a list of goals. Then chase them. Achieve them. Little by little you can build a life that makes you happy. It won't happen overnight, but it's a start.

I don't like my hobbies anymore.
I don't want to drag this out and make excuses, but I'm so tired. I just need someone to listen for once

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ay Seeba. I think we all kind of understand what you’re going though. It’s rough no lie. But you kind of gotta pull yourself out of the hole. Other people can only do so much. If you don’t have energy to do the thing you love, don’t do them. Do nothing as best you can. Sit quietly. Talk walks. Breath the outside air. Sleep enough. And drink water goshdarnit. I can’t promise you any complete solution. I’m a work in progress myself. But I can promise you that you will have days ahead that will feel good and make you forget your troubles for a little while.


Dear Mrs. English teacher,
"Breif" and "300 words" cannot be the same thing. Pick one.

Idk 300 is kind of short. What was the assignment?

MayBe FoR You DOmK but I do not like doing assignments
I have to analyse a passage from MacBeth.


I'd like to be rude to how fucking relatable the song Twin Sized Mattress by the front bottoms is
I did not ask to cry in the middle of my fucking history class

@Space group

What's weird is that I haven't heard that song in months, but I had it stuck in my head this morning, and now someone brought it up

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dear Mrs. English teacher,
"Breif" and "300 words" cannot be the same thing. Pick one.

Idk 300 is kind of short. What was the assignment?

MayBe FoR You DOmK but I do not like doing assignments
I have to analyse a passage from MacBeth.

Lmao the quickie pieces at college were 500 so I go to used to it. Though I will admit I tend to be concise when writing simple factual things and have to stretch