forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bruh I’m a binary dude and all that but Becoming a Man etc just means growing as a person by leaning into whatever cultural values are stressed for that gender.
What I’m saying is literally find some good values that you think are important in helping you grow as a person and make sure you follow through on improvement and you’ve basically done the ritual

@tungsten fastfood

It's gonna be hard as shit for enbies but it has been documented before. I don't think we need to worry about gender roles because that's literally the thing we don't identify with. Like I see myself as non binary because I don't match the standards of my sex and I don't see myself as a woman nor a male so I vibe by my own standards and try to get as close to my as I can
***but I recognize that role models are important and I wish there were more
On a higher note I came out to my parents Oct 11th and it's the third time I've come out lol
Wondering if I could get a binder now that they know 🤔

@Pickles group

Literally fuck off Dominic. You're a cis dude and your "iTs NoT tHaT bAd" bullshit has no place in queer conversations about gender and I'm tired of pretending not to care. It's such a dick move to tell nonbinary people they don't need to see a famous nonbinary person. And I'm still not over the time you told me purity culture isn't fucking bad. Fuck all the way off

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


Oh go eat an avocado peel. You are totally misrepresenting what I’m trying to say. Also I’m aware you’re not over anything and that might be a you issue. Get some chill dude before you destroy yourself and drive away the people you love.

If what I said was offensive then I am def open to that argument coming from Emu or Owen etc. What I was attempting to do and thought I communicated was that becoming a wo/man seems to me to be merely a ritual based on fulfilling cultural values crossed with gender norms and thus enby folks are free from such things unless it brings comfort to them

@Katastrophic group

….Dom was adding to the conversation with his opinion and advice, which is a nice effort that should be expected from posting on a public forum (There is an lgbtq chat if you don't want any non-queer input). Nowhere did he say anything patronizing or disregard the want for nonbinary role models, it was just an idea on how to to be fulfilled trying to fit into the cultural norm of "coming of age" or personal growth. There was no need to be so outright hostile and try to twist that post into an argument.

Congrats Emi :D

@Mojack group

Historically there were Nonbinary people, they didn’t really have the Terms for it back then though, which makes me wonder just how many people that lived back then that didn’t feel like they aligned with Everyone Else but had no way to describe it. Part of the reason why the internet is good, because it allows that connection with people like you.
Queer history in general is a pretty interesting. Especially if you go back a bit. And it all depends on the culture and society you lived in as well, of what people thought of you if you were queer.

@tungsten fastfood

Historically there were Nonbinary people, they didn’t really have the Terms for it back then though, which makes me wonder just how many people that lived back then that didn’t feel like they aligned with Everyone Else but had no way to describe it. Part of the reason why the internet is good, because it allows that connection with people like you.
Queer history in general is a pretty interesting. Especially if you go back a bit. And it all depends on the culture and society you lived in as well, of what people thought of you if you were queer.

It's kind of for this reason that when people say enbies are just doing it for attention I just roll my eyes

Non binary people have been so embedded in LGBTQ+ culture and deserve to be respected
I found a case study for my care and prevention of athletic injuries where they talked about both transgender and non binary people and it was cool as hell. Made me really happy.
Also thanks kat :DD

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bestie you seem to be under the impression that you're one of the people I love and you very much are not.

Bestie I am under no such delusion. Just passing on life advice out of the mild amount of care I have for the wellbeing of all humans mixed with a couple drops of irritation

@ElderGod-kirky group

don't quote me on this, but i believe there have been several cultures, both ancient and old but still modern, that had terms/ideas/acceptance of/for nonbinary people

@Mojack group

don't quote me on this, but i believe there have been several cultures, both ancient and old but still modern, that had terms/ideas/acceptance of/for nonbinary people

There are plenty of cultures that have those concepts. There’s also a map, but it does use some problematic language in it, so I was a bit hesitant on linking it (but it’s still neat overall)

@HighPockets group

Bruh I’m a binary dude and all that but Becoming a Man etc just means growing as a person by leaning into whatever cultural values are stressed for that gender.
What I’m saying is literally find some good values that you think are important in helping you grow as a person and make sure you follow through on improvement and you’ve basically done the ritual

True, it's much better to find traits you aspire to have and then people of any gender who have those traits than to have a generic role model. I feel like gendering traits (for example, strength being considered masculine and beauty being considered feminine) leads to nothing but harm for people no matter their gender and if it's binary or not.


I don't think we need to worry about gender roles because that's literally the thing we don't identify with.

Agree, gender roles are bad business. I guess what I meant is I wish there was more support for us, since there's a sort of support for the binary that non-binary people don't have yet. Some of that attention is bad gender roles, but some of it is genuine validation of their gender. That's what I wish for. That's what I'm jealous of.

Also I'm very much aware that non-binary people have been around forever and many cultures hold a high place for them. What I was talking about earlier was that I wish the culture I'm living in had more recognition and praise and validation surrounding non-binary people that was natural, so people would stop calling me a rawr XD blue haired delusional gen z liberal who "tHiNKs TheRe'S 72 GenDerS!"

A big wish I know, which is why I'm being rood to gender today (and yesterday). I hope that clarified what I meant by wanting role models and more ideas surrounding non-binaryhood.


If what I said was offensive then I am def open to that argument coming from Emu or Owen etc.

Didn't offend me, I actually agree with you and Jynn. I should've done more thought on how to put my yearn for recognition/validation into words because more gender roles is definitely not what I want lol.

Deleted user

want to get rude to Walmart employees
how the absolute fuck do they have the absolute audacity to be so cute??? male and female???? tf

had us in the first half ngl

@larcenistarsonist group

tw gun violence and shootings