forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@The-Magician group

We were on the phone to IT for 3 hours today trying to get them to tell us how to fix an error we’ve never seen before. Actually fixing it took 5 minutes, and this is the shortest time we’ve ever been on hold to IT. One time we were on hold, on two separate phones, for a total of 8 hours. Fucking stupid

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Special :) shout-out to the person on Reddit I just saw who was like "there's no such thing as closed practices and the people who say there are are the racist ones" because holy shit that's a horrid take


@Pickles group

Special :) shout-out to the person on Reddit I just saw who was like "there's no such thing as closed practices and the people who say there are are the racist ones" because holy shit that's a horrid take


Witchcraft. Stuff like hoodoo and smudging. And white sage, but that's not so much a practice. Stuff that ethnic and racial groups do that's sacred to them and no one else is allowed to do

@Mojack group

There was a spider in my bed last night.

I don’t know what type of spider it was (could have been a house spider for all I know) but it was fairly big(not to the degree that tarantulas are), triangular abdomen, largish fangs, brown in colour
Was also kind of aggressive and when I put my hand near it it jumped at me but I faked it out and it fell off my bed. Unsurprisingly survived that and appeared on my wall an hour later. Attempts to grab it in a napkin failed. Twice, and after the second time, I never saw it again.

Also spider kept on doing a defensive pose every time I tried to catch him (assuming that the spider is a male, because of the shape of the abdomen and other features. thank you spider identification reddit) and I’m like “dude you’re in MY bed while I’m trying to go to sleep”


So. Kamala Harris's tweet for memorial day weekend was "have a good long weekend" or something along those lines. I don't care what your view of the military is, memorial day is for remembering those who have served, who should always be respected. Always. Yes, the military is over funded and bloated, and I don't like it. But veterans will always deserve our respect, and memorial day is about the veterans, not the military. So her refusal to acknowledge that or say anything about it is something that rubs me the wrong way. And it's the same way for a lot of people. I really, really don't care what your opinion of the military is, but the veterans deserve our respect, and she is refusing to do that. It's a slap in the face for any and all veterans, and it's horrible


I saw a news article that said she went to some memorial place to pay her respects like right after that, but I didn't read the article or anything

@Katastrophic group

So. Kamala Harris's tweet for memorial day weekend was "have a good long weekend" or something along those lines. I don't care what your view of the military is, memorial day is for remembering those who have served, who should always be respected. Always. Yes, the military is over funded and bloated, and I don't like it. But veterans will always deserve our respect, and memorial day is about the veterans, not the military. So her refusal to acknowledge that or say anything about it is something that rubs me the wrong way. And it's the same way for a lot of people. I really, really don't care what your opinion of the military is, but the veterans deserve our respect, and she is refusing to do that. It's a slap in the face for any and all veterans, and it's horrible

anti-military, but pro veteran

@spacebluelily language

Also I’ma be rude to Snape bc he deserves it.

not sure which Snape you're talking about
but I'm guessing it's not the Snape that was/is leading a Covid-19 vaccine study in the UK

@Pickles group

So. Kamala Harris's tweet for memorial day weekend was "have a good long weekend" or something along those lines. I don't care what your view of the military is, memorial day is for remembering those who have served, who should always be respected. Always. Yes, the military is over funded and bloated, and I don't like it. But veterans will always deserve our respect, and memorial day is about the veterans, not the military. So her refusal to acknowledge that or say anything about it is something that rubs me the wrong way. And it's the same way for a lot of people. I really, really don't care what your opinion of the military is, but the veterans deserve our respect, and she is refusing to do that. It's a slap in the face for any and all veterans, and it's horrible

anti-military, but pro veteran

As we should be


not our enemy: the soldiers who risked their lives for causes they believed in and for our country, and the ones currently doing so

the enemy: the government that over uses them, particularly to instill fear in other countries or their own country

@Pickles group

not our enemy: the innocent teenagers conned into a system that will ultimately destroy their bodies permanently and come back to a country and government who doesn't give a shit about them, and who had no idea the real permanence and utter horror they were signing up for in exchange for free college

the enemy: the system doing the conning and throwing people into useless wars over oil

@Katastrophic group

not our enemy: the innocent teenagers conned into a system that will ultimately destroy their bodies permanently and come back to a country and government who doesn't give a shit about them, and who had no idea the real permanence and utter horror they were signing up for in exchange for free college

Its honestly the most corrupt and dystopian system. Seriously, a country involved in wars all over creating an economy where the only viable options for many people are life-long debt or.. life-long debt but in a different way through military service. You have to register to vote and jump through hoops to get there, but the military will start the recruitment drive the day you turn 18 with promises of free school. It's ridiculous.

@spacebluelily language

I'd like to be rude to my 14-year-old cousin who is trying to find something in common with me and befriend me
Like, I don't wanna be friends with a cousin who practically forget about me for eight years straight and said bad stuff about me behind my back. also, she uses way too much makeup and it just doesn't suit her

"You like purple? Me too!"
You're a Gemini? Me too!"

Like bitch, our birthday is in the same month, of course, I'm a Gemini. You would've known if you hadn't cut off all contact with me and my family.

@tungsten fastfood

so I took the myers briggs test after consistently getting INFP-T for a bunch of times and I got INTP-T

and it fits a lot better stop jfioklsevgtroklmj I can't read people's emotions at all and INTPs are way more reserved and apathetic than the infp according to the site

so yeah get it I guess lmao