forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@HighPockets group

Idk, I went to get mine frozen off twice when I had them and it didn't work, just made them hurt more. Wear swim shoes, gamers, don't be a big dummy idiot like Auntie Jyn.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Idk, I went to get mine frozen off twice when I had them and it didn't work, just made them hurt more. Wear swim shoes, gamers, don't be a big dummy idiot like Auntie Jyn.

But in the lake the mud at the bottom feels nice on my feet :(

Lots of folks don't like it when they're swimming and seaweed touches their feet, I like it as long as I'm expecting it
It's like the ecosystem is hugging you :D

@Pickles group

I would say put apple cider vinegar on it but I did that for like a month and a half before mine started to go away so idk

@Pickles group

Some of y'all need to stop acting like other people don't have mental illness just because they don't experience it the exact same way as you. You're acting like Leo and it's disgusting.

@HighPockets group

Exam is in T minus like an hour and a half and oh boy I don't think I studied enough
I mean, I'm fine at bullshitting essays (got top marks on the last two essays I bullshat) but it's the rhetorical analysis essay/questions that I'm worried about

@tungsten fastfood

Exam is in T minus like an hour and a half and oh boy I don't think I studied enough
I mean, I'm fine at bullshitting essays (got top marks on the last two essays I bullshat) but it's the rhetorical analysis essay/questions that I'm worried about

lmao same exam by the way =3=

I'm sort of worried about the questions but I'm really good at argument ones like q1 and q3, but it takes me time to write them and if I'm interested in them

I hope the prompts are good

@HighPockets group

Exam is in T minus like an hour and a half and oh boy I don't think I studied enough
I mean, I'm fine at bullshitting essays (got top marks on the last two essays I bullshat) but it's the rhetorical analysis essay/questions that I'm worried about

lmao same exam by the way =3=

I'm sort of worried about the questions but I'm really good at argument ones like q1 and q3, but it takes me time to write them and if I'm interested in them

I hope the prompts are good

Same. When I don't understand or aren't interested in a prompt, it throws me off and the resulting essay isn't as good. I think I'm set for argumentative and synthesis, but we haven't talked much about rhetorical analysis this quarter and ahhhhhhh