forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

I mean, that depends. Are we stacking the vampires? How big are said vampires? How much room do each of them need?

@ElderGod-kirky group

are they lying flat or sitting? is there a weight limit? are we disregarding potential fights or are they knocked unconscious to prevent that? if there's varying heights/sizes you might be able to tetris your way through the stacking

@HighPockets group

Uhh I'd say two to three, the tallest being 6'0" and broad-shouldered. The others are 6'0" and slim and 5'8". No stacking. Not much, the trip is just to a safehouse in the woods.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'd say all three would be able to fit, maybe with some leg scrunching and huddling if it's exceptionally small. truck beds are surprisingly big, even small ones. I, a 5'2 1/4 female, can sit in a corner with crossed legs and still leave room for two dogs to freely walk around

@larcenistarsonist group

Clarify what you mean by truck?

Is it the cargo box from a semi?
Is it a Ford F1-50?
Is it a Ram?
Is it a Jeep?
A Jeep Cherokee?
A Chevrolet?
A Bright Red 1998 Ford Explorer with flames on the front and red fuzzy dice?

Because I can help with the last one.

@HighPockets group

Oh wait I'm big dumb and forgot that my dad's getting a truck this year; I can just wait and figure it out for myself sdfhgfds
Thanks for the help everyone!!

@Pickles group

It's so frustrating that all the things I know aren't common knowledge. Like what do you mean you didn't know that kangaroo rats get all their hydration from berries and would get sick if they had straight up water? Or that when you die they take your temperature through your ass and use that to see how long you've been dead? Or that men who kill their wives are on average 70 years old and obsessed with their public image even though their life actually sucks so eventually they snap and bam stabbed wife? Or that zebra mussels get into the great lakes through the water thingies on boats and are hella invasive and wrecking the ecosystem in the great lakes?

@HighPockets group

i actually did know the zebra mussels one, if that eases a fraction of your frustration

I knew as well, I remember reading about that as a kid


Hnnnng I'm so fucking pissed at my best friend's family right now. I went with her and some other friends to a dance recital last week. My friend was dropped off at my house and we carpooled. Her mom had tested positive for covid that exact fucking day, and they knew it. But my friend came to the recital anyway. I'm not worried about me, but like. As far as I know they haven't told any of the other people that came, and my friend didn't wear her mask like at all so there's a pretty good chance the others who were there were exposed. Oh and also the only person in their five person family who quarantined was the mom. The dad already had the vaccine and so continued business as normal. My friend continued going to work where she coaches little children for gymnastics. I just. Akdbdhbsbsbbsbs I'm so fucking angry???