forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Spaghettios are repulsive

You know what. I could excuse the ravioli thing but now you've gone too far.
Kids these days.

@HighPockets group

Spaghettios are repulsive

You know what. I could excuse the ravioli thing but now you've gone too far.
Kids these days.

They've never had any flavor to me. I used to like canned ravioli but now I don't, probably because I ate a lot of it when I got my teeth pulled and now I'm sick of it

Deleted user

Being rude to my girlfriend for not letting me spend all my money on gay people shoes /j

In all seriousness I would be broke without her. I need help.

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to myself because I burned my finger again. I already have nerve damage in my fingers from hurting them so much so I cant feel the pain, but I can sure as hell feel the throbbing and I wanna cry

@Pickles group

Angel hair is the best kind of pasta. You can be like "I want angel hair" and BAM three minutes later you're eating it. Iconic.

@HighPockets group

Anything that cooks fast gets bonus points from me

Even… spaghettios?

No, it takes a while for me to heat them up
I'd rather eat the pasta raw

@HighPockets group

It's the spaghettio sauce that I don't like, it seems like it should be a flavorful sauce and yet it tastes like tomato water
A true betrayal. Cruel and unjust.

@Pickles group

Anything that cooks fast gets bonus points from me

Even… spaghettios?

No, it takes a while for me to heat them up
I'd rather eat the pasta raw

Do you get your spaghettios frozen? Because they shouldn't take that long
And as for the tomato water. I agree. That's what makes it good

@Pickles group

Okay we listened to a podcast in my human adjustment class and I want to rant about it.
So the basis of the episode was "guy r*ped someone, got sent to jail, and is now a whole different person. And this woman is definitely not in love with him. " I won't be mentioning the crime again a whole lot, don't worry
Issue #1: he "changed" when he was in the middle of BEATING UP A FRIEND TO "TEACH HIM A LESSON" which makes absolutely no sense, also why…how…what? Sounds fake to me
Issue #2: he said, unironically, that since he's changed, he's a totally new man, should be let out because of it, will not be, and has come to terms with the fact that he's in jail for another man's crimes. Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Yes, I do think that to an extent, people can change. Maybe they truly do understand that what they did was wrong and wouldn't do it again. I have a hard time believing that, but you know, theoretically could happen. I've done some stuff that if I could go back I wouldn't do and definitely wouldn't do again, but you know, small stuff like getting into constant fights with friends, not being a violent criminal. It seems entirely more likely to me that he (and people like him who say the same thing) wouldn't do it again not because they've realized it's a horrid thing to do, but because they got caught.
I don't have respect for serial killers, but I do respect that some of them say "yeah if I was let out, I'd do it again." usually followed up with "it's just so GOOD that I was caught, I'm so GRATEFUL" which is also bullshit and undermines any accountability for who they are and what they've done that they just tried to take, but that aside
Issue #2b: "I'm in jail for another man's crime." Let's talk about this, shall we? The phrase "I'm a new man" "I'm not the same person I was then" or "I'm a changed person" means "I realize that I used to suck and am working to overcome my flaws" "I've made mistakes in the past that I've learned from" "My personality is changed and I no longer think or behave the same ways I did back then" etc etc. What Dan here is saying is "I'm literally not the same person. A whole new one. That was someone else. Please don't treat me like I committed the horrible crime that I did uwu :(" Totally not the same thing. Changing as a person doesn't mean that you don't need to be or shouldn't be held accountable for your past actions. You may be a different person in terms of thoughts and behaviors, but that person who committed that crime was you, and regardless of who you are or think you are now, you need to own up to that action and take accountability. People who have truly changed to become a "good person" don't blame their past actions on someone else. They say "yes, I did that, I hurt someone badly, it was my fault, and I need to be held accountable." Because that's part of a fucking apology.
Issue #3: Just the way he talks. It sounds very slimy and manipulative and fake and it makes me very uncomfortable.
Issue #4: He makes HIMSELF the victim. HE'S going to be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. HE'S going to have a hard time finding a job. HE'S going to have a hard time finding a place to live. HE'S going to have a hard time finding a wife. No. Something we see commonly among serial killers I keep going back to them because that's what I know best who haven't changed is that they want everyone to pity them. They're the one who got the short end of the stick here. Think about how this will affect them. Ignore how they brutally murdered and assaulted bunches of people, poor them. This is exactly what Dan is doing and I'm fucking disgusted that grown ass people have heard him say this and fallen for his good guy facade.
Going to cut myself off there

@Pickles group

The podcast was about a real dude and they called him Dan, idr if it was his real name or one they made up to protect his identity

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to my grandparents.

I walk into my cousins graduation and I'm one of the only ones there wearing a mask and my grandma leans over and says "why are you still wearing that thing?"

And do you know what I said?

"Because I dont want to be indirectly responsible for YOUR death."


@Pickles group

An idea for koolaid hell: there's a photorealistic portrait of the old kool-aid man everywhere you look. he follows you around smiling intensely. he is your jailor. he is relentless.

@ElderGod-kirky group

ditto on the old people thing
I got sweatpants on Etsy and they turned out bigger/baggier than i thought they would (they damn near look like snow pants fhsjjdg). my grandmother then proceeds to insist it was made in China and it's those damn foreigners that do shitty jobs and blah blah

she fumbled a bit when i blankly told her it's from Florida, the seller is Floridian. continued to insist it was at some point made by a different "lesser" country