forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also I really need to work on my punctuation skills. But I can’t let go of periods. Tried to talk to my mom about linguistic changes in text but she’s more lofty brain then I am so not much happened.

@Pickles group

Hmmm, yanno, I was thinking about how historically there was a dude named jesus who did a bunch of shit
and I was thinking (without looking shit up becuase I'm lazy)
do you think on easter his grave was robbed??

Well obviously I think he rose from the dead. But continue speculating I suppose. There was a heavy boulder over the entrance though, and the authorities did put guards there to make sure the grave wasn’t robbed by believers trying to fake a miracle, so be sure to calculate those in.

Also the fact that there's just. not a body. anywhere

Deleted user

Hmmm, yanno, I was thinking about how historically there was a dude named jesus who did a bunch of shit
and I was thinking (without looking shit up becuase I'm lazy)
do you think on easter his grave was robbed??

Well obviously I think he rose from the dead. But continue speculating I suppose. There was a heavy boulder over the entrance though, and the authorities did put guards there to make sure the grave wasn’t robbed by believers trying to fake a miracle, so be sure to calculate those in.

I dunno man
I'm not in the bible fandom, I'm just a lazy history student

Deleted user

It was over the top on purpose.

I don’t know how to say I’m not an asshole.

I regret to inform you that according to Opposite Day protocol, you just said that you are an asshole. Good day to you sir.


hnnnnnnnnnng i wanna be rude to my uterus for feeling like it's being stabbed with a rusty knife. repeatedly. like fuck it i know i'm not pregnant would you fuck off?? just send me a note next time, what the fuck. making my day miserable is not necessary

on a related note id like to be rude to my parents and to christianity bc i wanna get birth control so i dont have to deal with this bullshit (I don't even wanna have sex right now! i just want the periods to ~go away~) but there's no way my parents would let me get it bc?? sex is bad and so is birth control i guess?? dgbjfdbhljfgbhkjhb i'm just so sick of this bullshittttt

@tungsten fastfood

birth control would just regulate not stop. the ones that stop make you gain like, fifty pounds because it simulates you being pregnant and it throws your hormones completely off


but sorry for the quick resp I know a lot about it because I myself almost started taking it lol, sorry to hear about the period problems.

nah ur good haha, i'm just ~miserable~ today

@tungsten fastfood

birth control is horrible for the body and for women as a whole and it sucks

but periods suck more lmao, just get some rest and maybe take a bath. baths help me a lot


i'm at my grandparents house and i've already taken a shower today. so idk if they have a hot water bottle i could use or not, and i've already taken like three motrins, and if i take anymore it's bad bc too much at once, so

Deleted user

Like to be rude to just fucking life
I physically could not move untill I finished a book I was reading so I just didn't do any of the six hours of hw i have