forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@tungsten fastfood

don't be addicted to opioids

that is quite scary looking at that dream after working on my research project about the opioid epidemic

at the beginning of the dream (or middle, idk) I had a pill, and I didn't want to take it, but felt like I had to, so I did. It tasted like pez. The pink kind. And then I spat it out. But later in the dream I ended up taking more opioids.
I will try not to be addicted to opioids irl 👍

opioids don't taste like that

they're stinky and they get all sticky if you keep them in your mouth and they're really bad for your digestive system and extremely addictive so maybe don't

psa: don't become part of the opioid epidemic? it is still definitely a thing and it's not getting a lot of attention so people are still dying :)))))

(and you'll get prosecuted for being in possession of class A drugs and prolly thrown in jail and you can thank previous president donald trumpy dumpy truck for that)

@Katastrophic group

having a very poor memory, and therefore not remembering dreams or "not" dreaming, is a sign of neurodivergency (and also a symptom of anxiety and depression yay)

@ElderGod-kirky group

having a very poor memory, and therefore not remembering dreams or "not" dreaming, is a sign of neurodivergency (and also a symptom of anxiety and depression yay)

well damn
now i can blame my poor memory on that

@saor_illust school

having a very poor memory, and therefore not remembering dreams or "not" dreaming, is a sign of neurodivergency (and also a symptom of anxiety and depression yay)

this is news to me
(yeah hi i still stalk some of the more major threads i was following when i was still active)

help what does it mean to be neurodivergent i never quite understood this

@ElderGod-kirky group

help what does it mean to be neurodivergent i never quite understood this

"Neurodiversity is a concept that's been around for a while. In a nutshell, it means that brain differences are just that: differences. So conditions like ADHD and autism aren't 'abnormal.' They're simply variations of the human brain."

@Pickles group

Neurodivergent people dream less because they get less REM sleep. And if I had to guess, they don't remember them as well because they have shit memories.

@Pickles group

Mmm as much as I was looking forward to not being able to see pms from people you've blocked, I've had to unblock a lot of people because I can't follow group pms without seeing their shit. And I'm kind of upset about it.

Deleted user

Idk I have ADHD and possible? According to a previous therapist, autism, but I never followed up on testing for it so I won’t claim autism as a diagnosis. Anyways I have ADHD and I always remember most of my dreams vividly so idk it just depends. My cousins are all very neurotypical and always forget their dreams so idk. It depends.

@HighPockets group

Neurodivergent people dream less because they get less REM sleep. And if I had to guess, they don't remember them as well because they have shit memories.

Heh throwback to the time I had a sleep study and didn't reach REM the entire time, thanks I hate it


sometimes I remember my dreams too vividly, sometimes I don’t dream at all
I try to write down the ones I do remember though. It’s really fun scrolling through them and I can even get story inspiration, honestly would recommend
maybe find something to write them down in that isn’t your iPhone notes though. extremely blinding when you wake up


Idk I have ADHD and possible? According to a previous therapist, autism, but I never followed up on testing for it so I won’t claim autism as a diagnosis. Anyways I have ADHD and I always remember most of my dreams vividly so idk it just depends. My cousins are all very neurotypical and always forget their dreams so idk. It depends.

Oh I have ADD, maybe that's it

@ElderGod-kirky group

i have a suspicion that I've got ADHD, and when it comes to sleeping and dreams, I've always done a thing without really realizing the benefits

so when i go to sleep, my brain doesn't shut the hell up, and usually it likes jumping from one topic to another with a song on repeat in the background. so every night, i take the time to pick a specific "daydream" to play in my mind until I fall asleep. that tends to shut most of the other stuff up. not always, but usually. i also have a fan on

as for remembering dreams, i usually have a vague idea of the latest dream when I wake up, but forget a few minutes later. i don't really recall ever dreaming throughout the night until I'm close to waking up

Deleted user

I remember my dreams all too well. Most are pretty fucky not gonna lie.

But every once in awhile I'll get a good one and then it becomes a story I write.

Most of the time it's me fighting underwater pyramid mermaid vampires or plotting to commit squirrel genocide.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Once I dreamed about a plush Pikachu I had, this was around the time I lost it for good(R.I.P. Pika, I'll never forget you) and I was in this huge house just throwing plushies out the window, and the whole thing was tinted green now that I look back on it it looked like Luigi's Mansion, but at the end of the game when you get a new one, but it's the B-rank one and the dream was in 3rd person, which is weird for me, but the thing was you couldn't see inside the house, it was just a bunch of toys flying out the window and onto these giant piles on the ground
This was like, 3rd grade and I never forgot it lmao

@Pickles group

We're talking about motivation theories in psych and we have to come up with two songs for each of them and I'm fully gonna do musical songs for all of them. Mostly because my playlist doesn't have that many songs that aren't from musicals

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

having a very poor memory, and therefore not remembering dreams or "not" dreaming, is a sign of neurodivergency (and also a symptom of anxiety and depression yay)

well damn
now i can blame my poor memory on that

omg same :D

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

on another note, my partner's youth pastor is a bigot, i hate people like that. she told him "i'll let you participate when i see you putting in effort to change your sexuality" CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY like are you fucking kidding me? anyways, i'm pissed, don't mind me..