forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

here's the actual quote:
"Our proudest moments don’t have to be physical. Sometimes going against our own minds is the best thing we could ever do."

the main focus of my writing was my fears, insecurities, and bad experiences related to people, and how i retreat to writing as a sort of escape from reality. i go on to say that, even though i'm afraid of staying invisible and unknown, i still have hope that i'll eventually get my stuff out there and yadda yadda. my "proudest moment" is going against my anxiety and insecurities

with some eloquent description ofc

See I thought you were talking about drawing BTS and that quote just made my day.

oh my god that's beautiful
"Sometimes it's not the physical things that make us proud of ourselves. Sometimes it's the smexy, big-titted satans we bring to life"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

here's the actual quote:
"Our proudest moments don’t have to be physical. Sometimes going against our own minds is the best thing we could ever do."

the main focus of my writing was my fears, insecurities, and bad experiences related to people, and how i retreat to writing as a sort of escape from reality. i go on to say that, even though i'm afraid of staying invisible and unknown, i still have hope that i'll eventually get my stuff out there and yadda yadda. my "proudest moment" is going against my anxiety and insecurities

with some eloquent description ofc

See I thought you were talking about drawing BTS and that quote just made my day.

oh my god that's beautiful
"Sometimes it's not the physical things that make us proud of ourselves. Sometimes it's the smexy, big-titted satans we bring to life"

The part about forcing yourself to disobey your mind was particularly good. Like your mind was trying to protect the world and you flat out refused.

@Pickles group

I love my mom and all, but it really shouldn't have taken two people to be like "yeah that's a horror movie" for her to get the memo that fantasy island is in fact, a horror movie

@Pickles group

She was watching a trailer. Also isn't it rated r? because idk how an island where your dreams come true would be rated r if it was a rom com or something

@ElderGod-kirky group

i got my grade
feedback? "need to have consistent verb tense and consistent point of view outside of the dialog. Thanks for sharing!"
here's my thing for reference
i just
the change in point of view was purposeful
the verb tense change was purposeful
i was describing the background information, and then talked about my present sense of pride

@tungsten fastfood

I actually hate that

That's why I hate writing for a grade because they look at it so academically and not emotionally especially in AP Lit

It's just shut

It's super good tho kirk

@ElderGod-kirky group

i hated this class as soon as i got my first assignment. because it's exactly that. i got points docked before for no indentations and not labeling the POV when it was fuckin obvious. and every damn assignment is so structured and leaves little to no creative freedom. i literally can't bring myself to write this latest assignment (the picture one) because I have nothing besides going to the beach because my life is boring and i'm a hermit crab. and having a clear theme is a requirement, as if writing for fun or for pleasure doesn't fucking exist. everything has to have a moral or a purpose outside of enjoying it

this isn't creative writing. this is pumping out basic bitch writing outlined by the teacher—glorified essays—and if you stray from what she wants in the slightest, you did something wrong


that's just it, people who don't write always create unnecessary rules even though writing doesn't need rules. the whole POINT of a class like this is to be creative, not that the school systems knows what creativity is.

@Katastrophic group

as an art major who's told to find a message in absolutely everything, I decided my art was supposed to be messageless, which in itself is a viable message (yay contradictions!). I only had one teacher try to explain how i should have a political message with my work, but he gave up after a bit. My painting teacher thinks is hilarious.

@ElderGod-kirky group

that also bleeds into english class, when the teacher insists that every piece of published writing has to have an underlying theme. that blue ball over there, in the child's room? that's a symbol for the kid's hidden depression. that katana hung up on the wall? a symbol of the strength the character wishes he could have

school is shit at teaching the art of writing. because it has to be academic and inside a box of rules instead of for fun. it's why i basically taught myself how to write by practicing, reading a ton, and picking out what i don't like in writing and applying it to myself. school didn't do shit