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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Some of the books I ordered that arrived today showed up damaged :(

Big sad. But mine showed up today and it was awesome. Two didn’t have the jackets so I cut one off the second. But in good shape and hardback.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

okay i know we dont support jk rowling but anyone who's read harry potter needs to read Oh God, Not Again! by Sarah1281 on ao3 if you haven't already. it's fucking hilarious, and i get if fanfic isnt your thing, cause its not mine either, but this is seriously worth reading and just. replacing the books with in your head

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@HighPockets group

okay i know we dont support jk rowling but anyone who's read harry potter needs to read Oh God, Not Again! by Sarah1281 on ao3 if you haven't already. it's fucking hilarious, and i get if fanfic isnt your thing, cause its not mine either, but this is seriously worth reading and just. replacing the books with in your head

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@HighPockets group

Some of the books I ordered that arrived today showed up damaged :(

Big sad. But mine showed up today and it was awesome. Two didn’t have the jackets so I cut one off the second. But in good shape and hardback.

Oh nice!!

@Katastrophic group

I liked them at first, but then thought about the plot and reread them and yeah. Basic goody-two-shoes girl is a secret rebel and Doesn't Belong(tm) and then has very special powers (is being divergent a power? idk). Then she meets hot guy who is angsty and mean but is nice to her and they fall in love immedietly. and save the world. Pretty sure theres more angst thrown in somewhere but that was about the time I stopped reading YA books cause they were all romance.

I also remember the movie where they had the same actors as The Fault In Our Stars but they were siblings in Divergent and my brain could not get around that.

@ElderGod-kirky group

question for the masses, mixed with a rant

am i so crazy for wanting to learn how to cook on my own?

i'm turning 18 in may, and apparently that means, to the rest of my family, that i need to buckle down and have my whole fucking life figured out—oh, and to ignore covid while doing so. one of the things is learning how to cook

i'm not completely helpless, fyi. i know how to bake and quite enjoy it. it's slow and works with me because it has recipes for me to follow and double check. i also know how to cook some stuff, like grilled cheese and frying chicken. but the way i learn is usually looking at steps, doing it myself, and committing it to memory—essentially, on my own. but my mother doesn't teach like that, and expects me to be able to learn how she says i should learn. how does she teach, you ask? by sitting in the adjacent room, firing off instructions, and getting pissy when i need things repeated. by shoving me into a situation i don't want to be in by forcing me and my sister to cook dinner once a week while she's there

i want to have the freedom to learn something on my own without her in the house, and apparently that's fuckin nuts in her eyes

@Katastrophic group

Maybe you can have her write the instructions down? That way she is 'teaching', you have a recipe to follow at your own pace, and you have the recipe written down for later so she doesnt have to repeat anything.

@HighPockets group

Plus the world's most disappointing ending.

Also the dead ha giveaway.

Badum tsssh!
Yep. I've read some really good books that kill off their leads, but Allegiant was Not It.

@HighPockets group

I don't remember the circumstances well enough but I remember how in Insurgent one guy is introduced and he seems nice and funny and then BAM, like a chapter later he dies in a really dumb way iirc