forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Katastrophic group

we had a half day cause campus closed early, but not it's just miserabbly windy and cold. Also snow sucks because people forget how to park and take up 3 spots because they "can't see the lines." On a small campus lot those spots are very much needed, the weather is bad for parking but even worse for walking a quarter mile because someone couldn't park. mini rant bcause there's one truck who keeps taking up half the lot


speaking of weather affecting people's handling of vehicles–i live in washington, a rainy fucky state on the western side. people know this. that's why we're called the evergreen state. so why is it that no one around here can fucking drive in the rain


Guess who had what I'm pretty sure was a fucking panic attack today? It's me of course.

Like. I'm not 100% sure but the symptoms matched what I've heard about and what I researched up later, and? It fits? Bc I was just…having a hard time breathing and it felt like there was a fist squeezing my heart and I was shaking and also like, weirdly zoned out? Like I was in the middle of class and I knew I needed to focus but I just couldn't? I had my face pressed against my desk and I literally couldn't move for like three minutes even though I knew I needed to sit up and pay attention, and it just felt like the teacher's words were completely just. Not there. Maybe it wasn't a panic attack but it fits everything I've read/heard about them?? Help


Yeah. And I'm pretty sure that it was kinda brought on by my parents. Bc my mom said they needed the passcode to my phone so that they could go through it and I just. Hdhsgdggs it terrified me


Sounds like a panic attack to me, but really only you can tell. It's good you're researching. If you're still unsure, maybe look up low blood pressure or low blood sugar symptoms.
Sorry that happened to you though, panic attacks (or any kind of attack) can be really taxing.


I also have eaten only one egg and some chili today, but the thingy happened after the egg and before the chili so idk if that has anything to do with it

@Mojack group

slowly working my way back to a 50% mark or more in my math class. yup. the quadmester ends in a few days and if I don’t get a mark of at least 50% ive gotta retake math WHICH I’ve been trying not to think of but honestly it’s hard
my final assignment SHOULD push me back up there. I honestly hope so because I really, really don’t wanna retake math

also those symptoms sound really similar to the experience I had very early last year. so now I’m thinking back to if I had a panic attack, because almost everything matches up (except I don’t know what brought it on)
I did SUSPECT it was one, so based off of my own research what you had was probably a panic attack or something very close to it.

@Pickles group

I had a cute idea for my february bujo that requires more art than I usually do and my hands are sooo shaky. Might be my new meds, might be a general restlessness, I can't tell but I'm very frustrated

@Mojack group

what the hell is a quarter…

We used to call them semesters actually, and there would be two of them (eight classes, so four classes in each semester) but when the pandemic came around we switched to the quadmester system to make things easier. Aka two classes per each quadmester, four quadmesters in a school year


Bruhhh I just started a bujo for some adhd relief!
It's kinda nice, still feel overwhelmed by things but I'm not really ruminating on tasks anymore. Sorry bout the shakiness, make sure you're well nourished 👍

@Pickles group

True Crime Don'ts with Pickles: don't leave your car outside on Halloween (or really any day, garages aren't for your junk, they're for your car) because teenage boys will egg it and when you confront them, they'll get mad and murder you

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bruhhh I just started a bujo for some adhd relief!
It's kinda nice, still feel overwhelmed by things but I'm not really ruminating on tasks anymore. Sorry bout the shakiness, make sure you're well nourished 👍
