forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Katastrophic group

they don't really. GPA is terrible and should be removed as a scoring system. A lot of college/uni scholarships require certain GPA's, but they are disproportionately measured and one bad class (or bad teacher) can screw it over completely. I had one bad teacher and it dropped my GPA by a whole 0.3 despite having A's in every single other class. Not to mention all the shit you can get for not having a high GPA cause the american school system doesn't support the arts, only sports and STEM, so anyone not oriented towards math and science will pretty much automatically get a worse GPA.

@ElderGod-kirky group

GPA is pretty much calculated by what grades you receive throughout your high school career. the higher your GPA, the more high grades you consistently got. I think. my GPA is roughly around a 4.0, little bit under, because I tend to get straight As with some Bs sprinkled in here or there and some Cs from bullshit classes like AP Physics

the American school system is just shit in general. keeping As is so fucking hard because getting high grades only increases your overall grade by a small amount, but doing bad ONCE absolutely plummets your overall grade and it fucking sucks. and it's just trash in general and needs a serous revamp

@The-Magician group

Ah right okay. We had something like that when I was at school, I think?
— I was in Higher Maths and we did college level stuff as well as high school level stuff.
— I was also in Duel Award Science, while the students on a particular course path were on Triple Award Science and they had the extension of Environmental science and Astronomy with their course.
For some reason my school found it necessary to designate course paths for everyone why did the Shine students get Hawking while I had Windsor??

@Pickles group

I keep forgetting that there are people who actually care about sports. Like. There are people who watch football games all the time? And genuinely care?? Wack


I think about stuff like that all the time. But not just with sports with, like, hobbies and pursuits outside of my awareness.

People like working in nurseries? Enjoy taking care of children? Whack. Since when? Childcare.

Why would you ever wanna drive a city bus? Oh, cuz you like it? Ok, cool. Public transportation.

We're gunna have a real shortage of construction workers and electricians these coming years, no one wants to do that all day anymore.
I think to myself as I walk past the full woods class and the overcrowded welding classes.

Humans are surprisingly balanced interest wise (and the career fields would be even more balanced if education were at least cheaper).

@HighPockets group

Like I have no interest in a trade school, but I feel like they're treated as a lesser alternative to a four-year college (or even the "dumb people" alternative in some cases) and that definitely drives people away from them as an option.

@Katastrophic group

honestly i should have gone to trade school. the real question is "Do you want to be in a lot of debt to retake a lot of high school classes? or a little debt and have people think you're less smart?"
Imma be rude to my school for requiring general courses. I am a ceramics major. I have had to take plant science (because basic biology was middle school level and so boring i wanted to drop out), a class called "computers and infotech" that made us memorize types of floppy disks and how to embed videos in MS Word 2008, and currently general chemistry. I'm all for being 'well rounded' but i am paying $400 per credit hour and my middle school teacher mother is teaching her kids more advanced stuff. There is no way to test past/out of it, I tried.

if i have to listen to one more 40min lecture on the three states of matter i will start skipping

@ElderGod-kirky group

and this is why im on the fence with college. I'm not from a very wealthy family. we could be classified as lower middle class, maybe. so I'd have to get scholarships in order to pay for college. and there's the fact that I want to major in something related to writing, since that's what I want to do. but what I don't want is to be forced into taking science, history, and math related classes that mean nothing to what I want to study

that and I'd like to avoid crippling student debt, thanks

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think about stuff like that all the time. But not just with sports with, like, hobbies and pursuits outside of my awareness.

People like working in nurseries? Enjoy taking care of children? Whack. Since when? Childcare.

Why would you ever wanna drive a city bus? Oh, cuz you like it? Ok, cool. Public transportation.

We're gunna have a real shortage of construction workers and electricians these coming years, no one wants to do that all day anymore.
I think to myself as I walk past the full woods class and the overcrowded welding classes.

Humans are surprisingly balanced interest wise (and the career fields would be even more balanced if education were at least cheaper).

Going off that. I’ve thought of that since I was younger. It’s just so beautiful to think that no matter what kind of job it is, there are probably several people that will enjoy doing it for a living. Like, some dude has making glassware as their dream job. It’s beautiful.

@HighPockets group

Not to sound all emo but it's kind of sad that school doesn't really teach that. Like, there's so many potential careers I could love that I've just never been taught about, you know?

@HighPockets group

Honestly though, it's so annoying because even when you get the chance to take extracurriculars about specific topics (like law, medical stuff, etc.) they're so condensed that you don't really learn about the different specifics, and those classes usually aren't available until you're a junior or a senior. So that's two years if you're lucky to figure out a specific career you want. I don't know, the school system is just…ugh.

@ElderGod-kirky group

my old school doesn't even have really any classes that aren't STEM related. last i knew, they were considering getting rid of the band/chorus and arts classes. which is stupid because the band is the best thing about the school

@HighPockets group

We have multiple bands and choirs and stuff as well as some more specific lit and science courses (genetics, weather/climate, space, etc.) but those aforementioned more specific classes usually need to be taken on top of that year's mandatory course, and schedules are already so cramped.