forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Katastrophic group

Good parenting: making sure i wasn't telling my personal info on minecraft, reminding me school laptops can track things, showing me how to avoid viruses and trolls, asking that I ask before getting a new app or account for something until highschool, asking that i have my location app on for emergency reasons, asking to look through my sketchbook/writing/etc and being fine if I said no

Bad parenting: tracking/stalking locations at all times without reason (even to adult children), reading every single post online, monitoring all activity in apps without reason, blocking sites without asking or explaining why, restricitng internet usage based on fear of opinions and beliefs being different from their own. And on the other hand, parents who don't care at all and let their kids get away with looking up porn (which is illegal, btw) on school or trackable things that makes the school systems invest in shitty blocking systems and paranoid website banning because they literally can't afford decent ones.

There is a vast difference between keeping kids safe on the internet and controlling their every move and acting like a stalker. Internet monitoring can be done correctly without being an invasion of privacy.


This isnt rude if its just the truth: Emi you are literally so toxic and hurtful to a lot of people, including me and Alex. A lot of them have done nothing wrong, or made any kind of contact towards you but you insist on attacking them. Like wth?

@tungsten fastfood

This isnt rude if its just the truth: Emi you are literally so toxic and hurtful to a lot of people, including me and Alex. A lot of them have done nothing wrong, or made any kind of contact towards you but you insist on attacking them. Like wth?

I don’t think you should be talking to me about being toxic, kid

you actually told a victim she deserved to be raped. I told them I don’t care because I’m a fucking stranger on the internet older than them and pushed them to get help from people irl.

I don’t think that’s toxic, like, at all.


yeah i feel like someone who told someone they deserved to be raped isn't the type of person with much place telling others they're toxic? you really need to step back and look at your own choices and actions, and grow from that, before playing the callout game

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This isnt rude if its just the truth: Emi you are literally so toxic and hurtful to a lot of people, including me and Alex. A lot of them have done nothing wrong, or made any kind of contact towards you but you insist on attacking them. Like wth?

U so wrong.


This isnt rude if its just the truth: Emi you are literally so toxic and hurtful to a lot of people, including me and Alex. A lot of them have done nothing wrong, or made any kind of contact towards you but you insist on attacking them. Like wth?

I don’t think you should be talking to me about being toxic, kid

I told them I don’t care because I’m a fucking stranger on the internet older than them and pushed them to get help from people irl.

Space gave her friends updates, you just happened to join the thread and got involved with the conversation that wasn't pointed at you. And the whole point is that she did try to get help but the police don't fucking believe her. She never asked you guys for help, only to talk. Also I highly doubt you're older than them. You cant claim that XD

@Pickles group

Big same, I think I finally sucked most of the dopamine out of it though, I haven't consumed it in anything other than art on pinterest in a while I think I read one of the books a while ago but I didn't know there were more?? I'm off to investigate

spoke too soon

@Space group

Here's what I'm going to be rude about: The fact that Rae is pretending to be my friend after she is extremely disrespectful and bitchy to tons of people on this site. AND the fact she keeps spreading my story around, which you have no right to do. I don't even know you Rae. Wtf

@ElderGod-kirky group

and a very valid thing to be rude about
i'm really sorry you have to deal with this shit, Space. people suck, and the people who spread your story around without your consent are especially shitty

@HighPockets group

Indeed. It's certainly funny that Rae is claiming that Emi is toxic for pointing out exactly what you did, Space. It sounds like she's a deeply insecure person.


Space, that sounds really awful and I'm sorry you have to deal with her

On another note, though, I wanna ask you guys what you think of Disney blocking Peter Pan, Dumbo, and Aristocats for any kids who are seven or under? Because I think Disney is overstepping their boundaries with this. It is not, should not, and never will be Disney's job to police what kids on the platform are watching. It is the parents job, and for Disney to think they can step in and do this is not right. Like honestly, if I had a seven year old or younger sibling that wanted to watch one of those three movies, but couldn't on their account, fuck yeah I'd let them use mine, I watched all of those movies at seven or younger. I think that yeah, Disney should include warnings that the movies contain outdated cultural depictions, and yeah, they should say they would never do it now, but that doesn't mean they get to block the movies from being seen by kids under seven. It sets a bad precedent and I don't like it. It is not the streaming service's job to decide who gets to watch what, that is up to the parents and no one else


they should have a lil clip at the beginning where an adult explains whats harmful about a certain depiction or joke in the movie, and says that you can still enjoy it, just make sure you know that those specific things arent okay anymore. and then boom


yeah, that's true. My main issue is that it sets a terrible precedent for other streaming services and Disney to think that they get to police what people are watching, I really don't like that

@HighPockets group

Plus the whole Streisand Effect thing where the kids will see that they can't watch it and then only want to watch it more. I'd rather have them watch it with a little PSA beforehand that says "this depiction is very outdated and racist, and is not appropriate or kind. We regret putting it in this movie and will do better in the future" than with someone who thinks that there's nothing wrong with racist caricatures, you know?