forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Anyways I saw a thing yesterday about how the unifying trans experience should be gender euphoria and not dysphoria and that was very nice
Also I keep seeing stuff that's like "cis people don't think about their gender babe" and like. Damn okay you didn't have to call me out like that


I think cis people think about their gender, they try to exaggerate their masculine and/or feminine aspects through fashion, speech, behavior, etc. just like trans people, and while they don't question their motives or the gender they're expressing, it still requires a bit of thought.
But then again I'm not cis, it's just what I assume. While I don't question my non binary gender anymore, I still think about how to best make it obvious to other people to see. I bet it's something like that.

@Pickles group

I do sometimes. Unless you mean question. In which case I also do in the strictest sense of my place/roles in society that I may or may not want to fill.

Yeah that's what I meant I'm dumb

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think cis people think about their gender, they try to exaggerate their masculine and/or feminine aspects through fashion, speech, behavior, etc. just like trans people, and while they don't question their motives or the gender they're expressing, it still requires a bit of thought.
But then again I'm not cis, it's just what I assume. While I don't question my non binary gender anymore, I still think about how to best make it obvious to other people to see. I bet it's something like that.

I don’t really think about it for anyone else’s purpose. It’s just like “I like being this way and it makes me feel more right so I’ll try to move in that direction.”


I would like to be fucking rude to my fucking parents. My youngest brother is a fucking asshole of the highest order. If I ask him to stop doing something, he does it louder just to get on my nerves. He hits me every single day for no fucking reason, and thinks it's funny to piss me off or wake me up early by playing piano as loud as he can (the piano is in the room right underneath my bedroom). He makes it his mission in life to annoy me as much as humanly possible.

Do my parents stop him? Do they ever bother to say "don't hit your sister" or "stop antagonizing your sister"?? No. They don't fucking do shit about him, but god forbid I ever snap at my younger brother or lash out at him when he's been pestering me the entire fucking day for days on end. God forbid I ever yell at him to stop doing something or leave me alone, and then I get in trouble

And if I even dare suggest that they don't do anything, they tell me it's my fault because I'm grumpy with him?? Because I push him away when he gets close?? So basically "yeah he hits you but you deserved it bc you're older and we expect better from you" and it's absolute bullshit

He's gonna go to court when he's an adult for assaulting or killing his girlfriend/wife in a fit of anger, and you're going to act all shocked, but guess fucking what??? You enabled it when you didn't ever punish him for hurting me. You enabled his abusive behavior. You let him think it was okay to hit girls and that if they hit back, you can hit them harder because they deserve it. So don't fucking tell me to change my behavior and "stop antagonizing him". This is not my fault. You are enabling his behavior

So, tl;dr I hate my brother and he's an asshole, and my parents are absolute assholes as well

@Pickles group

Do y'all homeschool kids know who Bill Nye is? Because as a public school kid I don't know a single person under the age of 20 who wouldn't lay down their life for him in a second, he's a national treasure

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do y'all homeschool kids know who Bill Nye is? Because as a public school kid I don't know a single person under the age of 20 who wouldn't lay down their life for him in a second, he's a national treasure

We used to watch him as kids. I have lost my respect for him after I saw him argue though. He did it badly.