forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

I love that, Crocs Lol.

But my job was to get a cannibal out of prison so I didn’t have room for moral high ground.

Dom I had to argue that two men who killed and cannibalized the other man they were stranded with shouldn't be charged with murder.
Which I fullheartedly stand by, fuck Victorian English law I hate the outcome of this case
Unfortunately my class had a lot of people who aren't willing to look at both sides and instead were going "oooh they committed murder, they deserve life in prison!" despite them being stranded at sea with no way to get food.


to put it simply, if i was stranded with other people and knew none of us would get food for a while, i would literally offer myself up as food. like yeah please bash my head in with a rock or something first but then fair game.

and actually i can fully argue morally on a case like that. they might not be what you view as correct morals but hey. what is morality but a constant guessing game in shades of grey?

Deleted user

ah yes hello and welcome to another episode of rei is rude to themselves
what a riveting series

dear self,
why did you, of all people, think it was a good idea to even come on this site in the first place? you literally lost all motivation to write, you can't roleplay, you don't have a Personality, why did you think you had a place here? oh, i know why: it's because you're so desperate to be accepted that you think you have to crawl into so many different communities just to make people hate you in the end.
no one will ever accept you, no one will love you as long as you put this mask on, and maybe you should accept that. but you can't accept it, can you? have some self awareness, rei. please.

and now on a more positive note
have this video of lando playing minecraft

@HighPockets group

They literally agreed to draw lots and whoever lost got killed and eaten, and the guy who lost tried to back out when he realized he was gonna get eaten.
The other two were put to death for trying to survive at sea by killing and eating their friend. What the fuck, 19th century England? I mean, I already knew you had some Bad Legal Takes, but seriously?

@The-Magician group

What the fuck, 19th century England?

Yup, we will forever say this for as long as England remains standing— but change “19th century” to just every century.


eating people for survival, particularly willing people–tho this guy was a fuckin wuss–is not in any way problematic and should never have been considered so

@ElderGod-kirky group

if it's necessary for survival, then unfortunately you gotta do what you gotta do. at least it wasn't, like, picking one at random and killing him in his sleep without his knowledge. they drew sticks and had an agreement

@HighPockets group

The way you phrased it made me question your views about eating people, Jyn.

Generally against, but if it's your only choice for survival, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Deleted user

Mmm, I think, perhaps if you get the body ethically, there is nothing wrong with cannibalism. What's a little munching between bros

@HighPockets group

eating people for survival, particularly willing people–tho this guy was a fuckin wuss–is not in any way problematic and should never have been considered so

Especially since that motherfucker would've been fine with killing and eating one of the other guys, but when it was him, he pussied out. If I drew lots and lost, I would simply ready myself for death and let my friends live on by eating me, rip to him but I'm different.
Although tbh I also wouldn't have confessed to the people who picked us up that I'd helped to kill and eat someone, I'd just say he died of natural causes and then we ate him.


my mom: reads book on Native American history
me: :DDD
my mom: “they got married at as young as 13, they performed human sacrifices, and they didn’t believe in god. do you see how wrong that is? I know people try to argue it but they needed the europeans, civilization here was not a bad thing, they didn’t have any morals and would’ve been doomed without us”
me: DDD:<

@ElderGod-kirky group

you're right, they didn't believe in god. they believed in multiple gods and spirits, and had a pretty damn good relationship and respect for the earth. some tribes even drank their respect women juice (matriarchal/matrilineal)
can't really say that for the europeans :/


lmao yeah let's gloss over the fact that the europeans also married off preteen girls, and massacred people on genocidal levels for whatever reasons they wanted, including but not limited to differing religious beliefs(despite the fact that jesus was crucified for believing in god and therefore that's hypocritical as hell–), different customs, not speaking the english language, existing, etc