forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

Except I want to dye my hair, move to italy, get a phd in history, and become either a socialite or an elusive professor that all my students queston wether or not I'm a human


I wanna move to Japan, find a cute little place to live somewhere in the city of Nagasaki, move back to America just long enough to marry cute girl cause it’s technically not legal in Japan yet you are allowed to marry outside of the country and move back to most places without any consequences, then adopt two dogs with cute girl and be artist buddies, we’ll have so many wind chimes that the legality of it all will be questionable and the neighbors will hate us,,,
that is the d r e a m right there

Deleted user

i want to be an eldritch horror

No one can prove that you aren't already an eldritch horror

@Pickles group

Pssst if you say stuff like "the ratio of guys to girls at this party is so high, you'll definitely hook up. I almost always do," you can't call someone a whore for sleeping with men and women, especially if your body count is the same as theirs, put your biphobia away hon 💖


Speaking of running away and dying hair, yesterday I found out that both me and my sister have complex disguises and kits ready just in case we have to leave the house forever. I hope that's not something children of most households take the time to worry about.


welp guys, apparently since I’m only 15 and think vaccines don’t cause autism, I’m going through that ignorant teenager phase where I think I know more than my own parents despite “not doing any research”
and apparently my mom is the most neutral person there is because she’s “waiting for more studies” since “both sides have convincing arguments”, like bish, what convincing arguments??? you get all your information from mom groups on facebook don’t try and tell me you’re superior and get everything from “unbiased” sources you quadruple-fertilized egg and mustard salad

and of course, now she’s laughing about me with my siblings for thinking I’m so smart, probably writing my dad a text about how I’m going to grow up to be a libtard and need education, normally I’d be sad but I couldn’t care less if everyone in her contacts suddenly thinks negatively of me.
honestly, next time she tries to give me her daily mask = bad talk I’m just walking away. every time a debate is sparked I lose more hope and my desire to move as far away as possible grows more and more prominent
I’m willing to just be the edgy child going through a liberal phase among our whole homeschool group if it means I don’t have to argue with her anymore. even when she provides evidence now I can’t take her seriously about anything and it’s extremely disheartening, but there’s nothing I can really do about it, just wait until I’m old enough to find an accepting group of people far away from here and stick with them.

@HighPockets group

Speaking of running away and dying hair, yesterday I found out that both me and my sister have complex disguises and kits ready just in case we have to leave the house forever. I hope that's not something children of most households take the time to worry about.

It….is 100% not that's vv concerning
The closest I've come was packing a bag when it looked like we might have to evacuate bc of an explosion downtown

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Speaking of running away and dying hair, yesterday I found out that both me and my sister have complex disguises and kits ready just in case we have to leave the house forever. I hope that's not something children of most households take the time to worry about.

It….is 100% not that's vv concerning
The closest I've come was packing a bag when it looked like we might have to evacuate bc of an explosion downtown

I don't have a bag packed but I have a packing list and a plan


i always know exactly where everything i'd need to run away is at every moment so like. i don't have any reason to run away, but it's useful in times of 'we might evacuate'

Deleted user

I have things if I need to leave. But I don't think I will. Only if I choose to.

@HighPockets group

I mean I lowkey go "okay that's what I'd grab if I had to run" but that's because I have ~anxiety~ and I like to plan in case something goes wrong and I spend way too much time thinking about the potential of an apocalypse


I prepare just in case my parents freak out on me or I get kicked out or scared enough to leave. The only thing I still need to out is the local bus program.