forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Well, your stance is medically wrong, and if you're ok with being wrong, then whatever I guess you can say that non binary people aren't trans even though they are.
And duh, binary and non binary dysphoria is gunna be different. Transmen's and transwomen's dysphoria is gunna be different, because they are different.
I used to think transmedicalism was ok. I thought it made sense. But as I was figuring out my own identity, I found how harmful it was. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder in the DSM-5 that not every trans person has. It's not just being uncomfy (that would be gender incongruence), it's something you get diagnosed. Trans people can have other motives to identify as a different gender than they were assigned at birth, like gender incongruence and gender euphoria.
To sum up, transmedicalism (saying you need a mental disorder to be trans) medicalizes the trans community and makes us look like people with a condition that needs to be treated. When in reality, we just don't identify as the gender we were assigned at birth. Being trans is not a mental illness. Dysphoria is. There is a distinction and it's an important one.
Xanderhal has a ton of videos reacting and commenting on Blaire White. I learned a lot from him, and he backs up his point with evidence from official organizations.
I don't mean to start anything with you either, I respect you tons. Lately I've been really defensive of the LGBTQ community (you saw my rant this morning). I don't want you to be part of a bigger problem by spreading misinformation, especially since you're apart of the community. I don't mean to come off as a smart-ass either, I just really want people to be educated before they comment on shit, ya know?

Deleted user

I do have a problem with you assuming I spread misinformation and am uneducated because I disagree with you. That's not cool at all to me.

I'm not a girl. I've spent hours researching gender as a whole even before I allowed myself to question anything. These ideas/opinions of mine are educated. They make sense to me. It is what I believe and I've done research on the other side of things as well. My opinion remains the same.

@The-Magician group

British reporter: Mr. Biden, a quick word for the BBC!
Biden: The BBC? I'm Irish. walks away

That touched my IRA soul.

This is both glorious and gives me IRA bombing flashbacks at the same time


If you're a transmedicalist, then yeah, you're part of a much larger problem facing trans, and especially non binary people, today. The ideas you hold if you're a transmedicalist harm my community, promote stigma, and put down trans people who don't have whatever you consider the typical trans experience. Being transgender is not a mental illness. Being gay is not a mental illness. Being asexual, being bi, being pan is not a mental illness. Being queer in any way does not mean you need to receive treatment. There is a correlation between being transgender and having Gender Dysphoria, but it is not a causation. Mental illness doesn't not equate to or cause queerness. The LGBTQ community should not be medicalized, and it doesn't need to be. The definition of transgender is identifying as a gender different than the one you were assigned at birth. Those aren't my opinions, those are just facts. And if your opinions contradict that, then you're at odds with the overall consensus of the medical community. Just because your ideas make sense to you doesn't mean they're objectively correct. That's probably all I have to say on that.

Deleted user

If you're a transmedicalist, then yeah, you're part of a much larger problem facing trans, and especially non binary people, today. The ideas you hold if you're a transmedicalist harm my community, promote stigma, and put down trans people who don't have whatever you consider the typical trans experience. Being transgender is not a mental illness. Being gay is not a mental illness. Being asexual, being bi, being pan is not a mental illness. Being queer in any way does not mean you need to receive treatment. There is a correlation between being transgender and having Gender Dysphoria, but it is not a causation. Mental illness doesn't not equate to or cause queerness. The LGBTQ community should not be medicalized, and it doesn't need to be. The definition of transgender is identifying as a gender different than the one you were assigned at birth. Those aren't my opinions, those are just facts. And if your opinions contradict that, then you're at odds with the overall consensus of the medical community. Just because your ideas make sense to you doesn't mean they're objectively correct. That's probably all I have to say on that.

so many people need to hear this
big agree, i tend to think of being trans as a spectrum
like how there's mtf, ftm, nonbinary, genderfluid, agender…
and all of those things are underneath the trans blanket, for lack of a better word

Deleted user

Maybe I'm a transmedicalist, I don't know honestly. I believe you need dysphoria to be trans. There is no typical trans experience per say, but dysphoria is what makes you trans. Otherwise you shouldn't really have any reason to want to transition, because you're comfortable and happy with your gender. I have dysphoria, it's what makes me want to present to way I do– more specifically, need to present the way I do in order to feel Okay. As far as I'm aware, most of us want to be 'treated' because we want to feel happy and comfortable.

@The-Magician group

I’d like to present my perspective as someone who is gender-fluid.
I have occasions where I look at myself and feel violently sick because I’m not the correct gender, while other times I am happy with my assigned gender. I knew I wasn’t always completely happy with my assigned gender halfway through highschool, but I didn’t feel any distinctive dysphoria about it— it wasn’t until recent years that I started experiencing genuine dysphoria. Now, just because I didn’t feel dysphoria in highschool doesn’t mean that I wasn’t my assigned gender. I was still gender-fluid even though I didn’t feel physically sick when looking at my body on days when I wanted to present myself as a man.
I don’t believe you have to feel dysphoria in order to not be your assigned gender— and this extends to non-binary, gender-neural, gender-fluid+ individuals. However, I do believe that dysphoria is borderline a mental illness that is caused by the constant feeling of not being able to be you, of not being able to present yourself as the gender you are. This being said, I don’t believe that it’s a mental illness that can be helped with medication used for depression etc, I believe it’s one that can be fought when being allowed to freely express yourself and actually be you.

Sorry if that doesn’t actually make any sense, I just wanted to voice my opinion…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry to start with this part but I’m going down the line. Don’t call any sympathy of mine “half baked”. You don’t know my mind. Don’t act like you do.
I am sorry to have made you angry. I do not plan on responding to what you said here since I don’t want to prolong what might be draining for the others on this chat. I will send all your links to our PM so I can look at them later. Bug me if I don’t respond to it in ten days.
My answer probably sounded flippant, but I had a reason for saying what I did. It wasn’t just because it fit my narrative.
I wish to assure you that I bear you absolutely no ill will. Also the hair analogy was the best I’ve heard.


I was a bit fired up this morning, so the comment on your sympathy was too much. Sorry about that. And it's wise of you to wait and not respond here. You don't have to form a response at all, but obviously I'd really like it if you sponged in at least some of that info I put. I appreciate the dignified response, m8, and I bear no ill will towards you either, even though I may percieve you as smooth brain sometimes.

@HighPockets group

Popping back in since the religious talk is done for now
Gonna be rude to my head because is it too much to ask for one day without getting a headache? Please?


^^Thank you much, mate. I appreciate it. And me? Smooth brained? I am agog. I am aghast!
“Is Marius in love at last? I’ve never heard him oooo and ahhhhhh!!!”

I doNt gEt iT

Deleted user

Popping back in since the religious talk is done for now
Gonna be rude to my head because is it too much to ask for one day without getting a headache? Please?

breathe in
earth-shaking exhale

@HighPockets group

I've been trying to drink lots of water (usually two or three big cups or bottles a day) but I'm guessing that since I'm doing all my classes online and therefore looking at a screen all day I should probably be drinking more-

@HighPockets group

^^Thank you much, mate. I appreciate it. And me? Smooth brained? I am agog. I am aghast!
“Is Marius in love at last? I’ve never heard him oooo and ahhhhhh!!!”

I doNt gEt iT

Les Mis reference

@HighPockets group

Ugh I was in my legal studies class today and this one girl who was on the defense MY SIDE! kept simping for the prosecution who we were opposing, duh and it was hella annoying. Like I get that it was her first mock trial but she kept going off on tangents about how awful our client was and how she thinks he's guilty and I was extremely pissed off by the end of class because again, she was using the time my side had to defend our client to whinge about how she thought it was unfair that she was assigned defense because her last name started with a letter that's farther down in the alphabet :/

@HighPockets group

Also slightly annoyed that I almost always get defense. Only slightly, since I appreciate the challenge, but I hate trying to argue with people who have this smug sense of self-righteousness and that's how all of the prosecution people in my class act. Very annoying, especially since then they always look like I'm crazy as I try to defend my client.


drink water so that you can have clear skin and be better than your enemies

Literally the only motivation I have for drinking water is to get rid of acne and be able to say "I drink water" to the lesser soda-pop drinkers
jk i have nothing against pop drinkers you're tongues must be very strong bc that shit burns me


drink water so that you can have clear skin and be better than your enemies

Literally the only motivation I have for drinking water is to get rid of acne and be able to say "I drink water" to the lesser soda-pop drinkers
jk i have nothing against pop drinkers you're tongues must be very strong bc that shit burns me

it also speeds up your metabolism(drink a glass before each meal and/or first thing when you wake up) so like. bonus points

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also slightly annoyed that I almost always get defense. Only slightly, since I appreciate the challenge, but I hate trying to argue with people who have this smug sense of self-righteousness and that's how all of the prosecution people in my class act. Very annoying, especially since then they always look like I'm crazy as I try to defend my client.

I wasn’t self righteous. I was a solid lawful evil and adored it.


Also slightly annoyed that I almost always get defense. Only slightly, since I appreciate the challenge, but I hate trying to argue with people who have this smug sense of self-righteousness and that's how all of the prosecution people in my class act. Very annoying, especially since then they always look like I'm crazy as I try to defend my client.

I wasn’t self righteous. I was a solid lawful evil and adored it.

excuse you, the trick to lawyering literally is talking and acting like you're right even if you aren't. like yeah facts and good support are helpful but man, confidence and bullshitting are what gets the dumbest people straight to lawyerville