forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@HighPockets group

I had (have?) a Beanie Baby of Obama's dog
I also had little red, white, and blue ones that were a donkey and an elephant but I gave them to my history teacher iirc


I was really surprised cause for the most part, we all answered the same, yet one guy was authright and another dead center
the biggest disagreement was the "gays should be allowed to adopt" which i strongly agreed with but they both either disagreed or strongly disagreed, which i guess is a big difference but it was one question out of like 50


Obama anime and Trump manga. Plot twist: they are the evil boss ithe the other's story.

alright who's gonna write this

Plot twist: you are

And then read it to us in The Voice.

i'm… actually not opposed to this

@Pickles group

Fuck the study hall monitor. I sit on the outside circle of tables and they're the long ones so I sit on the outside end and my sister sits on the inside end because social distancing or whatever. We just got our seats yesterday and I very much remember the exact spot. Because it's as close as you can possibly get to the door to take to get to band. And I remember getting distracted by the lady putting new bags in the trash can. Because I was on the outside. So she comes around today and tells us we have to switch. Like. You're wrong bitch, I was in the right spot. We didn't switch. And then she goes "we have to keep it that way if you don't mind" um yes I do mind because now I'm fully unable to focus what I was doing, which is homework that I have to do. And keep it what way???? We're not keeping it any way. You just changed it. It was the way it was supposed to be and then you made us fucking get up. And then she continued to blather on about NOTHING over the microphone for half the period and I can't focus with her grating voice screeching in my ear. She's been one of the study hall monitors forever and I hate her so much.


ok so
one of my friends almost got in trouble on his first day of in-person schooling cause he absolutely threw hands at a kid hurling slurs at his autistic friend
i am no longer questioning my taste in friends, at least not this one