forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@The-Magician group

Oh heck..
I took a break from life itself, took some time to actually sort my mental health out (I’m still working on the physical health)
Well.. Whatever Emi and Leo decide to do with their lives, I wish them both the best of luck in their endeavours— it was a pleasure knowing them

@The-Magician group

Yeah me too. Though it did involve me becoming nocturnal for a few weeks which my parents were definitely not happy about. I’m slowly getting myself back into society now that I’m back at work


i skimmed a lot on these, but here! also keep in mind that kids don't talk like how a lot of people write them. they hyper correct on things, especially if they're english speakers, so if you're wondering how a kid might refer to something, consider how it makes sense to say it versus the right way to say it. like, gooses as opposed to geese

@Moxie group

Around two-ish kids stray away from babytalk (which is really just a lot of whining and pointing in order to communicate what they want. At one they can parrot words, but they can't use them to show what they want or need) and are able to use words to commuicate. Like the kid I nanny will often ask where his stuffed animal is ("where's my whale?") or ask for help ("I need help" but like in the cutest tiny voice) or say he's hungry. A lot of the time if I ask him a yes or no question he'll say yes or no and parrot back the question ("do you want help opening that buddy?" "yeah, I want help opening that") or if I say "wow, dude look at that rock!" he'll say "yeah look at that rock!"
idk I hope this helped
If you have anymore questions, I'd be happy to help


Hi yes I'd like to be rude to the person who sexually harrassed me yesterday over voice chat. You're not only a bitch but also an inherent hypocrite, being insensitive of my situation while demanding respect for you being in the exact same fucking situation. I bet you didn't fucking expect me to speak up, did you? And I bet you thought that even if I did, no one would listen to me. But guess what fucko, you attacked me in a place where I have support. Too bad everyone decided to back the person who was actually decent instead of the person who was always a general asshole. You thought you could get away with being a dick and harrassing me online under the guise of a "joke"? Pathetic. You're such a miserable excuse of a human, trying to cause me pain and getting off on it all because you're bored. How truly sad of a life you lead, cunt.


Nah, I spoke with both Mods and they agreed that this individual needed to go, and that that shit wasn't cool or tolerated. I have also blocked her cuz I don't need that negativity in my life. There was also another individual in the voice chat who corroborated the events I described, further damning her into exile. Both Mods also ended up apologizing to me, they thought she was a better person than that and they were wrong, and they were sorry that the entire ordeal happened to me and one even thanked me for speaking up about the matter before it got worse. I'm so glad that the server is made up of good friends and friends-of-friends, cuz if this happened in a server where I had zero support, I probably would still be in such a bad headspace or worse, completely shutdown.