forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

We're both in marching band so we see each other every day but she was going to help me finish painting my parking spot. Which she was excited about so. also it looks kinda bad and I don't like it

@ElderGod-kirky group

usually when I want to meet up with someone I get there early because I'm paranoid. like with getting my com art stuff? I was sitting outside the window about ten minutes early

he was about half an hour late

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Alright, so my family and a couple other families made signs and went to a street corner and had a lil BLM protest, here are the highlights

  • A lady who got out of her car to give us her umbrella(it was raining), then came back half an hour later after buying us 2 more umbrellas, now I have a new umbrella. I think she's some sort of god in mortal form, cannot confirm nor deny
  • 3 separate occasions where there were dogs leaning out of car windows
  • a middle-aged white dude in the passenger seat who leaned out of his window, flipped us the bird and let loose an ungodly torrent of slurs and curses. Keep in mind, this is a group of 15-odd people, 9 of which are clearly ages 12 and under. That guy probably says 'Murica unironically and has an American flag and/or a shotgun in the backseat
  • One of these things
    Home | Savannah SlowrideSavannah Slowride
    full of college-age (mostly white)people with had a banner that said "It is your birthday."(The Office!) who all cheered
  • a bus who beeped at us and waved

@Pickles group

I'm in study hall and some kid (who's been super annoying this whole time) just whispered "hey hey" so of course I glanced over, and he asked me if I wanted to make a tik tok??? Like, sir do I look like I 1. am on the same side of tik tok as you 2. want to interrupt the whole cafeteria making a tik tok with a stranger who looks like he crawled out of a dumpster behind Gap???? No I do not want to make a tik tok with you tiny boy, leave me alone and stop being so loud

@Pickles group

I fucking hate get to know you surveys. With my entire being. Tf am I supposed to say to "what are your strengths and how can we use them in class" and "what is ONE BIG question you have for this year? YOU MUST HAVE A QUESTION" like what do you want me to say? "I don't really care about this, I'm a shitty student and I don't have any questions so don't bother"? Because I'm about to

@Pickles group

"Give a one paragraph bio of who you are" oh sorry I didn't know that this was english class, how am I supposed to turn "I hate myself and men" into a paragraph because I'm really fucking boring.

@Pickles group

I don't fucking know how my future career has similarities to global foods, I'm here because I want to eat not because I want to further my future resume. It's an e l e c t i v e

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I fucking hate get to know you surveys. With my entire being. Tf am I supposed to say to "what are your strengths and how can we use them in class" and "what is ONE BIG question you have for this year? YOU MUST HAVE A QUESTION" like what do you want me to say? "I don't really care about this, I'm a shitty student and I don't have any questions so don't bother"? Because I'm about to

“I am full of rage and will use that energy in class to put in all my work with as much spite as I can muster.”
“Will 2020 ever end? Because I’m scared.”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Give a one paragraph bio of who you are" oh sorry I didn't know that this was english class, how am I supposed to turn "I hate myself and men" into a paragraph because I'm really fucking boring.

“Sorry to tell you this (no I’m really not I don’t give a shit) but I struggle with hate myself brain disorder. It sucks. My never sated hatred isn’t only internally pointing. I also hate as a generality all men. They suck too for reasons I’m too tired to type an essay on. But also like I said I’m filled with rage so eat my leek.”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't fucking know how my future career has similarities to global foods, I'm here because I want to eat not because I want to further my future resume. It's an e l e c t i v e

“My future career reminds me of an avocado. The kind that’s not ripe yet but you take it home anyways thinking it will get ripe but it’s doesn’t. I like to think it mirrors my potential as an amazing worker that has yet to show any signs of appearance. Also like an avocado I imagine if I have what it takes to be successful inside me it will rot into nothing while I’m not looking like an avocado does while it’s still on your counter, supposedly ripening and then you take a bathroom break.”