forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Moxie group

there is no logic in fantasy and imagination
what part of a flying, fire-breathing gecko is logical?
or fish-people?

Oh my gosh of course it’s logical! Fantastic, of course, but I am sure Terry Pratchett has rules he holds to, though I hear he does have whimsy threaded through his work. Tolkien sure as hell did.
You make it logical. You present some odd idea such as a dragon or magic to some far off society and then ask, “how would we react in such a situation?” (albeit perhaps in a different cultural mindset) and do that with the story.

don't ruin my fun with logic and brain gymnastics

Since when is the art of story threads flowing in the wind, only fate displaying their color? To others it might seem so simple; but we, the weavers, know otherwise.

i'm going to pretend like i have the braincell to deconstruct this and counter with this:
bold of you to assume i know what i'm doing when i do my storytelling

(yeah but like if you were to try and get something published would you not work hard to make everything seem coherent and like you knew all along what you were doing?)

@Pickles group

Dom. People have their own magic systems, yes, because it makes sense. But people are allowed to have their own that are DIFFERENT than yours. Because if every magic system was the same, it would be stifling, stories would be repetitive and extremely boring. Yours is not the only way to do things

@ElderGod-kirky group

(yeah but like if you were to try and get something published would you not work hard to make everything seem coherent and like you knew all along what you were doing?)

((yeah no dw i'm getting more into actual worldbuilding and notetaking and spewing shit towards Crocs while trying to convert abstract pictures and quarter-finished thoughts into actual coherent words. even still, even if it seems like i know what i'm doing i really don't because i never know what i'm doing))

@Moxie group

(yeah but like if you were to try and get something published would you not work hard to make everything seem coherent and like you knew all along what you were doing?)

((yeah no dw i'm getting more into actual worldbuilding and notetaking and spewing shit towards Crocs while trying to convert abstract pictures and quarter-finished thoughts into actual coherent words. even still, even if it seems like i know what i'm doing i really don't because i never know what i'm doing))

(yeah mood I felt that)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


Dude I barely ever outline. Granted, my work probably suffers for it, but it’s very difficult and I’ve tried. And my creativity can go anywhere. I will build rules to fit what I want at times, however strange the placement might seem.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(yeah but like if you were to try and get something published would you not work hard to make everything seem coherent and like you knew all along what you were doing?)

((yeah no dw i'm getting more into actual worldbuilding and notetaking and spewing shit towards Crocs while trying to convert abstract pictures and quarter-finished thoughts into actual coherent words. even still, even if it seems like i know what i'm doing i really don't because i never know what i'm doing))

(yeah mood I felt that)


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom. People have their own magic systems, yes, because it makes sense. But people are allowed to have their own that are DIFFERENT than yours. Because if every magic system was the same, it would be stifling, stories would be repetitive and extremely boring. Yours is not the only way to do things

Oh you misunderstand me. Of course. I am not saying the rules should be mine. Just that rules are necessary. I just go overboard (ha, sea puns) on the merfolk bit since I have seen rarely anything that makes sense beyond my own manner of creation.

@Pickles group

can't remember if this is the chat where we were talking about him before but…. new d'angelo video B)

Wait I meant to go find it and then I forgot and now I have to wait a while before I can actually watch it :(

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Do you ever just-
Go to the lake with your family to swim
Then, when you're there, an hour away from home

you realize

you forgot your swimsuit

so anyway, I'd like to be rude to my brain

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh, also shoutout to the couple who passed my family while my mom was trying to get us to smile for a picture
They lost it when my brother and I said in unison "I don't wanna smile"


Is it just me or is it really annoying when people breath like just sweeee then they go whooooo like omg just stfu its so annoying and their nostrils going yuuuu then shwooo its just obnoxious

@Pickles group

I want to decorate my binders but I don't know what to dooo yes, this is me begging for ideas

Also we got donuts but there's a bug in the box, eW