forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I wish there was an app to design board games. I wanna play Maetakai.

Make it by hand you coward

I don't want to carve 28 pieces.

How does the game work?
I might be able to scribble down some concepts, obviously can’t carve wooden pieces but if the Etsy shop/commission page thing works out I could create clay ones at some point

plus it sounds really cool regardless and I want to know the rules

It's kind of complex, especially when you try to play it. It's a board game the lords play in that proj Eris and I were thinking up.

@HighPockets group

Also I want the murderer to be found by logic not luck. When they find the evidence by stumbling on it it's meh.

This is a big part of why I hate the "the killer was some rando we didn't even know" twist, because it just makes the MC look dumb, and makes most of the book useless. Who wants to read a book where all of the searching for clues, the hypotheses, and the various suspects are all irrelevant by the end?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I wish there was an app to design board games. I wanna play Maetakai.

Make it by hand you coward

I don't want to carve 28 pieces.

How does the game work?
I might be able to scribble down some concepts, obviously can’t carve wooden pieces but if the Etsy shop/commission page thing works out I could create clay ones at some point

plus it sounds really cool regardless and I want to know the rules

It's kind of complex, especially when you try to play it. It's a board game the lords play in that proj Eris and I were thinking up.

Dommy it isn't public

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


Board is a diamond shape with one square at each corner. All the corners connect horizontally. The widest point of the board is eleven squares.

The goal of the game is to either kill the emperor or kill all the lords, archers, talik and janshi which will leave the emperor undefended. For this strategy to work the winning side must possess an emperor or raised lord and at least one janshi as well as one other piece that is not a shield bearer.


Emperor: Can move one space in any of the four diagonal directions or move any owned piece three squares to the left, right, back or forwards. This move can only be done every other move of the emperor. Cannot attack unless it is that or death.

Talik: Can go an unlimited number of spaces in any of the four horizontal directions. Can fly over all pieces but the archer. Must land on top of a piece if it is to kill it. Can only kill messengers and shield bearers. Cannot kill a piece right next to it.

Archer: Can kill any piece as a move (without moving) if the piece is within two spaces away from it horizontally (one space away horizontally is safe from the archer.) One if diagonally. When moving moves one square in any direction.

Lord: Can move two spaces horizontally, can kill and move at the same time, kill area is one space beyond in any horizontal direction. If a lord can touch one of the two farthest squares not claimed by a side, they gain the power of heir to the throne should the emperor be killed.

Messenger: Moves two spaces diagonally. Can only kill by passing a piece so that it is passed on the messenger's first square, the middle of where it started and where it moved. (Must say khanjar as a sign of the kill.) Can go over all pieces, including the archer.

Shield bearers: Cannot attack. Move one space per turn horizontally, two diagonally. can only be killed by archers and talik or a Janshi if he attacks it twice.

Janshi: Can only move one square in any direction. Attack range is only what they land on. Cannot be killed by messengers or lords.





Setup of pieces (= meaning empty square, ■ meaning not existent square.)

@HighPockets group

miss daisy's gone crazy

I remember those!! Wayside School is that series if the author was given lifetime access to all of the drugs and booze they could desire.