forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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I do it to myself. Not in a SH way. I'm just dumb at pick at all the bumps. I'm old so I shouldn't do that. But I've also been doing it for 20 years straight so that's a habit.

well yeah i do that too
But I'm not creating the bumps/scabs that I stupidly pick at forty times a day, they just keep appearing in new places and I'm so confused

@Pickles group

People in books be like "his natural scent was deliciously intoxicating" and ??? Am I missing something? Because people don't actually smell that good? Unless they just washed their hair, and then it's not "natural" it smells like fucking fake strawberries. Like. Sorry but skin doesn't smell delicious?? Is that some kind of romantic thing that when you fall in love, your partner just smells like cupcakes??? I don't understand


I mean it is scientifically proven that the scent of someone's pheromones can be like…an unconscious message to you about how compatible you are with them. In addition, sometimes people just smell a certain way. Like have you ever noticed that everyone's house smells a little different? It's like that but in miniature? Kinda? Idk. I've never been attracted to someone's scent, but I can kinda see the logic/reasoning (?) behind it


most people seriously don't smell great, let alone 'intoxicating'. though, on the rare occasion, i've met people who didn't smell bad which is a nice change tbh, when there's no overwhelming scent of BO, and when even if the wind blows past you're not getting a face full of 'eeww'. that's always nice. usually it's people who shower regularly and correctly that smell nice

also why is sephora so fucking expensive. i have a $25 gift card and that's not even enough to buy me a single decent highlighter…..

@HighPockets group

Smoke smells bad
And that shit gets stuck in your hair for weeks

Tell me about it. When I lived with my grandparents for a few weeks last summer it took like two months for my clothes to stop smelling like smoke.

@HighPockets group

Sometimes I'll be like "oh you smell nice" if someone's using good perfume/lotion/hair stuff or something, but not like a "natural smell" or whatever.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Smoke smells bad
And that shit gets stuck in your hair for weeks

Tell me about it. When I lived with my grandparents for a few weeks last summer it took like two months for my clothes to stop smelling like smoke.

I went to summer camp for a week and my hair is so floofy that it kept the smell in for like 3 months

@HighPockets group

Smoke smells bad
And that shit gets stuck in your hair for weeks

Tell me about it. When I lived with my grandparents for a few weeks last summer it took like two months for my clothes to stop smelling like smoke.

I went to summer camp for a week and my hair is so floofy that it kept the smell in for like 3 months


@HighPockets group

Some people smell good. Normally it's the hair that smells nice if anything Biden vibes Lol. And smoke smells great imo. I mean, has to be decent smoke but-

I like campfire smoke, but both of my grandparents are smokers so my shirts all stunk for a month lol


campfire smoke, wood smoke(certain wood), and the like smell fine. cigarettes? disgusting and i hate it. if i smell things that are too heavily imbued with the scent of cigarette smoke i have to nope tf out, same goes for not being able to roll down windows while in a car with someone smoking. which seems like something that shouldn't be common place but there's a reason i can't do the smell lmao

cigarettes are like. so gross. like cool aesthetic, shitty practice, ruins your voice and teeth and makes you smell


the only attractive smells are vanilla orange creamsicle and public swimming pool
anything else is overrated

false, the smell of baked goods coming out of the oven, particularly bread

@Pickles group

most people seriously don't smell great, let alone 'intoxicating'. though, on the rare occasion, i've met people who didn't smell bad which is a nice change tbh, when there's no overwhelming scent of BO, and when even if the wind blows past you're not getting a face full of 'eeww'. that's always nice. usually it's people who shower regularly and correctly that smell nice

also why is sephora so fucking expensive. i have a $25 gift card and that's not even enough to buy me a single decent highlighter…..

But like…even without the bo, people just smell meh, if there's even a scent at all. Like calm down YA authors, I'm not Edward Cullen, people don't smell like roses

@Pickles group

the only attractive smells are vanilla orange creamsicle and public swimming pool
anything else is overrated

false, the smell of baked goods coming out of the oven, particularly bread

Oooo, fresh baked bread with homemade apple butter smells amazing and tastes even better. Also "public swimming pool" is not valid as a good scent, chlorine smells gross


the only attractive smells are vanilla orange creamsicle and public swimming pool
anything else is overrated

false, the smell of baked goods coming out of the oven, particularly bread

i can't argue that

@Mojack group

I think one of the only reasons I’ve ever used “his/her/their scent was intoxicating” because the person smelling was some type of monster that intended to eat the person and either

  1. Failed
  2. Succeeded
  3. fell in love instead?? damn…

Oh and there was another monster character who used scents to attract her prey hence how it could be used from a human perspective.
But literally the only intoxicating scent examples I can think of are from my monster characters

But as a human I’ve never smelled someone that could be described as intoxicating
I’ve smelled scents that smell pretty good, and some people have some really good smelling shampoo but would I describe it as intoxicating? nope
now candles? some candles really ARE intoxicating