forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

usually hay smells good tho, just not the animals eating it

yeah okay ms chlorine

chlorine smells great though
it’s like sunshine

No. No it doesn't. It burns your nose and eyes and ruins your hair. I'm trying to be healthy, not soak in bleach

I didn’t say it feels great, I said it smells great.



i used to know a couple people who had like, never been anywhere near hay or a barn and therefore had no clue what the smell was. also watched someone go to the pumpkin patch for the first time and be like 'oh my god THAT'S what hay smells like' so


I wish there was an app to design board games. I wanna play Maetakai.

Make it by hand you coward

I don't want to carve 28 pieces.

How does the game work?
I might be able to scribble down some concepts, obviously can’t carve wooden pieces but if the Etsy shop/commission page thing works out I could create clay ones at some point

plus it sounds really cool regardless and I want to know the rules


unfortunately i read the first couple chapters of that book and got bored as hell

were all those books that were really popular in middleschool just….shitty bland ya?

@HighPockets group

Also remind me to Rant about a shitty thriller I read earlier this year once I'm done with dinner

Tell me it was The Wives

No, I'm not that self-loathing
I spent 45 minutes ranting to my dad about Frozen Beauty last night and tbh I can't summon up the energy to rant about it now like I promised lmao, sorry

@HighPockets group

Although I need to say that I hate hate hate the trope in shitty, usually YA mysteries where the killer is someone we hardly even know/see. In Frozen Beauty, the "killer" isn't even introduced until the final third of the book also the way that the sisters find out how the older sister died is ridiculous
Also the trope where there's the painfully obvious suspect who the author is basically throwing at you and going "see?! SEE?! don't you think it's them?? they're so creepy and menacing, you know it has to be them!!" and then it isn't. But anyone with a brain can tell it wasn't going to be since, y'know, that's just shitty writing.

@HighPockets group

Like, the killer reveal should be surprising in an "oh shit, it was them?!" way, not an "oh shit…it was them…" way. You should be shocked that the character you've grown to trust committed the crime, not because their second cousin three times removed who showed up for half a scene at the funeral and was mentioned twice in passing committed the crime, or because the perpetrator ended up not being Lucifer S. Atan, the hot bad boy who's been in and out of juvie and rides a motorcycle and has abs and no alibi.

That was a bit exagerated but still, I hate it.


I'm home alone for once in a blue moon

I could be watching things I can't when my brothers are home

I could be watching things my parents might not approve of

But instead, I'm watching Classic Disney

So far, Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid

Deleted user

hey, is eris back yet?
and if not, do any of you know how to get rid of a killer headache that drinking and eating won't get rid of?


hey, is eris back yet?
and if not, do any of you know how to get rid of a killer headache that drinking and eating won't get rid of?

mint, sleep, soft controlled noise

@HighPockets group

She's not :(
I'd try sleeping if you can (maybe with one of those eye cover things?), logging off of various electronics, and dimming the lights. Try to avoid eye strain like being on your computer/phone/whatever and reading, maybe just listen to music?

Deleted user

i want to feel asleep but I can't. I think I'll be up for a few days.

I'll try the other suggestions though. thanks y'all.

@HighPockets group

If you can't fall asleep, I'd just try laying down with the lights dimmed/off. Also make some sort of tea if you have/like it and curl up under some blankets. Basically do sleepy time things and hopefully it'll at least be sleep-like?