forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Cursed idea based on that cursed fanfic: Trump and Biden dueting each other's tiktoks, especially the steamier pov ones

How dare you put that cursed image in my brain-

oh dear gosh no

@Pickles group

Okay so the insurgent and allegiant movies are bad but what annoys me the second or third most out of everything is that they just couldn't decide if we were supposed to like Peter? It's like they read the books and liked him in spite of everything, so they tried to make him likable and snarky, but it's kind of important that he's not likable and just an asshole so he had to be both. They tried to redeem him like every ten minutes and it just didn't work and ugh I didn't like it

@HighPockets group

I feel like Peter was meant to be a villain for the first one and a half books (doesn't he grope Tris at one point? am I remembering that right? and of course threatens to throw her into the waterfall) but then Roth decided to change him characterization out of nowhere.

It feels like Roth realized that she killed off her most interesting characters (seriously, who's left by the end of Allegiant? Four, Christina, Peter, and Caleb?) and instead of introducing a better new one, she just completely retconned Peter.

@Pickles group

Don't worry :))) Eventually their own stupidity will make them perish :))))))))

but not before it gets to smart people unfortunately

Yeah that's true

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I honestly have heard that there's "proof" for literally any side. It's too much. All I know for sure is that Faucci or whatever his name is is about as trustworthy as a weatherman predicting a week in the future.


the proof is fake lmao scientists are where you should be looking. ykno, scientists and health professionals who know what they're talking about, as opposed to heavily biased politicians and ceos who want the capitalist society they've built to resume functioning as normal

we live in a dystopian society istg

Deleted user

We do indeed. Most of the world does, in some way, and it sucks.

Deleted user

Actually ya know what all of the world is a dystopian society. The aliens haven't initiated first contact because they know we're fucked up.

Deleted user

We're space Australia. Got all the crazy shit but unlike real Australia it's our fault


i'm gonna be rude to my body, especially my legs, for being really dumb and stupid
seriously where are all these rashes coming from
how did that scrape get there
why is that bleeding again
i keep trying to find patterns that could explain it but they're completely random, what is happen
i swear I'm not doing this to myself