forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Also "public swimming pool" is not valid as a good scent, chlorine smells gross

you're gross.

At least I don't smell like disease and child piss


I mean, I love my best friend's scent (she smells like a comforting heavy warmth idk how else to describe it, but it's nice)

I've been told I smell like nothing? I've also been told I smell fresh? Which is fair, I guess. But oddly enough to myself, I smell like pollen (including in the winter so don't even start)

tldr, people have natural scents that can be enhanced or dampened thanks to modern things like soap, perfume/cologne, deodorant, and shampoo (which also explains why some artificial scents don't snell good on some people versus smelling good on others, cuz of clashing natural scents)

@HighPockets group

the only attractive smells are vanilla orange creamsicle and public swimming pool
anything else is overrated

false, the smell of baked goods coming out of the oven, particularly bread

Oooo, fresh baked bread with homemade apple butter smells amazing and tastes even better. Also "public swimming pool" is not valid as a good scent, chlorine smells gross

Y'all are really ignoring petrichor, huh.


I feel like based on their surroundings and living spaces, Aquila would probably smell like various garden plants, Fallon, Liam, and Ciara would have a faint mix of ocean mist and firework smoke, Mica and her family might be closer to moss and pine wood, and Lyra's still a ghost, no smell there.

however these are webcomic characters so their scent likely will never come up and I've probably just thought way too much into small worthless details instead of working on the actual story or characters


lorelei loves perfume, so she smells like a different one every week. very careful to keep to nice scents and not overdo it. it gives her headaches if there's too much. also the clothes she wears to work smell like baked goods because bakery, and if you repeatedly do something orgo somewhere with a noticeable scent like that, its gonna stick. hence, after camping for a week I smell like smoke and the woods

jo smells like garden dirt lmaooo

@Mojack group

I’ve rarely ever thought what any of my characters smell like
I can think of one who smells like clean clothes fresh out of the dryer though

@Pickles group

I've really only given much thought to Sophie, but she smells like coconut because soap and assorted candles because she works at a little shop that sells random books and shit


see, like that one tumblr post said

it's actually a realistic thing IF it makes sense. hobbies or jobs or whatever can actually rub off on you like that, again especially things like working at a bakery, dealing with leather, living near the beach, etc

though, a character who has no reason or knowledge of a scent shouldnt be able to recognize it. if your character has never even seen a horse irl why can they recognize the scent of tack or hay on a horse tender person


I wish there was an app to design board games. I wanna play Maetakai.

oooh that should exist-
someone should learn coding and app making or whatever and make this exist

@HighPockets group

I wish there was an app to design board games. I wanna play Maetakai.

oooh that should exist
someone should learn coding and app making or whatever and make this exist

I really wish there was an app/website where you could just type in features and stuff and it would model a character after it. Like picrew but you can just type in stuff like specific facial features, etc.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

see, like that one tumblr post said

it's actually a realistic thing IF it makes sense. hobbies or jobs or whatever can actually rub off on you like that, again especially things like working at a bakery, dealing with leather, living near the beach, etc

though, a character who has no reason or knowledge of a scent shouldnt be able to recognize it. if your character has never even seen a horse irl why can they recognize the scent of tack or hay on a horse tender person

bitch who the fuck doesn't know what hay smells like

@Pickles group

see, like that one tumblr post said

it's actually a realistic thing IF it makes sense. hobbies or jobs or whatever can actually rub off on you like that, again especially things like working at a bakery, dealing with leather, living near the beach, etc

though, a character who has no reason or knowledge of a scent shouldnt be able to recognize it. if your character has never even seen a horse irl why can they recognize the scent of tack or hay on a horse tender person

bitch who the fuck doesn't know what hay smells like

Nasty is what it smells like

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

see, like that one tumblr post said

it's actually a realistic thing IF it makes sense. hobbies or jobs or whatever can actually rub off on you like that, again especially things like working at a bakery, dealing with leather, living near the beach, etc

though, a character who has no reason or knowledge of a scent shouldnt be able to recognize it. if your character has never even seen a horse irl why can they recognize the scent of tack or hay on a horse tender person

bitch who the fuck doesn't know what hay smells like

Nasty is what it smells like



It depends on the hay
I have to deal with multiple forms of it a lot, and I can say the timothy hay for my chinchildren smells better than the stuff in the field, but that stuff also smells better than whatever that one haystack in the corner of the barn is

usually hay smells good tho, just not the animals eating it

@Pickles group

usually hay smells good tho, just not the animals eating it

yeah okay ms chlorine

chlorine smells great though
it’s like sunshine

No. No it doesn't. It burns your nose and eyes and ruins your hair. I'm trying to be healthy, not soak in bleach


usually hay smells good tho, just not the animals eating it

yeah okay ms chlorine

chlorine smells great though
it’s like sunshine

No. No it doesn't. It burns your nose and eyes and ruins your hair. I'm trying to be healthy, not soak in bleach

I didn’t say it feels great, I said it smells great.