forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@HighPockets group

No problem, I homeschooled briefly for the second semester of being there and it was one of my better choices

I fucking loathed that school.

Deleted user

why would you threaten to bomb your school at all

like shit

I don't love my school either but damn, go to therapy or something bitchass


why would you threaten to bomb your school at all

like shit

I don't love my school either but damn, go to therapy or something bitchass

but miriam, white boys who got rejected by the girl they've been stalking and react violently–surprising their families who have witnessed their history of violence–'don't need therapy'

@HighPockets group

why would you threaten to bomb your school at all

like shit

I don't love my school either but damn, go to therapy or something bitchass

Also imagine caring that much about your school
I didn't like mine but I'm not getting myself the electric chair over it
Or putting in all the time and effort to bomb it
Buncha bitch-ass whiners, just go talk to a therapist

@HighPockets group

call me mimi please you inconvenient fire drill


Ooh yes please
No vodka though, just orange juice and some grenadine
So not really a mimosa
I don't know where I was going with this

Deleted user

call me mimi please you inconvenient fire drill


i will Hurt You


I remember in elementary there was this kid who would get really angry and everyone would be sent out of the room and there was one teacher who had to restrain him since he'd get violent
but that's pretty normal for school

@HighPockets group

I remember in elementary there was this kid who would get really angry and everyone would be sent out of the room and there was one teacher who had to restrain him since he'd get violent
but that's pretty normal for school

Oh same
He'd rip up our homework and stuff, and like I mentioned he threatened me with scissors at one point
Fun times


Obligatory mY scHoOL iS dAngEroUs story-
Yes, I've told this story like twice, and yes I am a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Cw, talk of school shooting.
The literal last day of school before quarantine (not that we knew), Friday, a friend (A) told me he found bullets and bullet cases in the boy's restroom. Now my school is all white, all hicks, all sad. The stereotypical school shooter. The maga hats were especially loud ever since the GSA became a thing (tearing down posters, bullying). There was also a recent tragedy in my town, further giving our stereotypical shooter feul to do something stupid. So when my A told me this, that there were bullets and cases in the bathroom, and then told me I couldn't tell anyone, I had a silent freak out in math class. A and his buddy X had already told staff, and the rescource officer was allegedly doing something to keep us safe. I texted my best friend about it, because if something happened and they weren't prepared, I'd feel guilty.
After math I asked for proof of the bullets found. A told me to see X's snap chat through friend B. My next class was with B and only one other student. So I ask B to see X's snap, and sure enough, bullets scattered around the floor and one of those cardboard boxes. Since that class was only three students and our teacher, we talked about it freely for a bit. I was scared, but most of me thought it was planted or something. But if they wanted to have a show, make a scene, wouldn't they have left some sort of note? A threat to get the school to declare a lockdown? Otherwise, what smart shooter, at least not a careless one, would leave that there?
Anyway, time went on. The officer stood in the hallway the bathroom was in all day. Staff moved from classroom to classroom a lot more, speaking in hushed tones, nodding to each other. Maybe that's just my paranoia.
No lock down was declared, and no one was shot that day. Part of me wonders if quarantine hadn't been surprised on us then the shooter would've built up the lost courage over the weekend.

Deleted user

when I as younger, we were put into an active lockdown because a man had stolen a car and drove onto our playground (where children were) while armed with a gun and a knife

then he ran into the woods behind our school and the police couldn't find him

it was traumatizing, I'm not going to lie

@HighPockets group

My school was put on active lockdown because a man who lived nearby (who it later turned out was actually the dad of some of the students) was threatening suicide via gun.
And then one time I was at summer school and there was a "code black drill", except it uh
Wasn't a drill
They just told us it was to keep us from panicking