forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Mojack group

I’d like to be rude to this account on Twitter.

Apparently half of the account is ran by minors, and it’s not even that that’s bad, it’s that all six people running the account are insufferable and I just..
Like they’ve used people’s gender and sexuality to devalue their opinions and that’s..don’t do that??
also please quit calling people who disagree with you fascist. and then blocking them. and giving half assed apologies.
and just because someone doesn’t want to get involved in politics doesn’t make them a bad person.
not to mention I know one of the people running in the account has said the n word numerous times like god damn…not even that long ago
and also they support communism. and I. i am going to be honest, some aspects of it are good but. these people dead on support it. and im not gonna go into depth on why i dislike it other than the fact i have had relatives who lived in ‘communist’ countries and it wasn’t good.

kinda sucks because it was a fun account at first but i learned all six of the owners running the account and I’m just like “this all adds up” because I’ve seen most of the people pictured in some sort of drama before


y'all ever just decide "hey i should interact with more artists, maybe join a few of their challenges, that could help get my account out there so i can actually find some customers and become a professional artist-"
so you start working on a seemingly small dtiys thing without checking the hashtag
but then halfway through realize there are over 500 posts, so there's a large chance no one will ever find your post and you're just wasting your time?


okay but like fuck people who say that katniss everdeen doesn't have a personality(sorry, you're entitled to opinions, even if they're wrong and stupid)

like did you read the same books i did? did you read about the traumatized girl who had to carry the weight of her family because her mother's grief kept her[mom] from doing enough to support them and their main source of income died in a fucking mine collapse? did you miss the characterization of a big sister who would do fucking anything for her little sister, whom she loved more than herself and who she wanted to protect from the scary reality of the world she was growing up in as much as possible?

did the girl who brought people to their feet with speeches that were full of passion and spite and anger and hope fly over your dense fucking head?

katniss everdeen was a teenager hardened by a world that made her that way, that turned kids into mini adults and working machines all for the profit and so that the high class citizens could laze about in colored wigs and clothes and eat food that their working class could only dream of. katniss everdeen loved her family and her childhood best friend and fell in love with a boy who showed her that even if she had to fight tooth and nail for it, hope existed. she had so much spite and hate in her heart that when she couldn't pull off the scripted speeches she'd been given she came up with a new one on the spot which mind you takes and insane amount of confidence and every emotion required for something like that(believe me, it's hell to improvise). she sought freedom from an oppressive government and system, for herself and her family and for the people she had met that wanted it too.

if i hear one more person say that katniss everdeen was bland and had no personality(and if i hear the love triangle brought up one more time to make her character seem weaker istg i will fucking riot

like sorry you're incapable of actually reading and computing the information and characterizations given to you but like. shut the fuck up

@HighPockets group

Katniss Everdeen is the YA heroine. Fuck your Tris, fuck your Bella, fuck your Annabeth, fuck your goddamn Hermione, Katniss Everdeen is an absolute icon and anyone who says she isn't has shit taste and poor reading comprehension.


okay i will say annabeth and hermione were great and tris wasn't bad. bella had potential and meyers didnt know what that meant

but yes katniss is literally the definition of ya heroine, she was the beginning of an entire fucking era of realistic and well done dystopian females who hadn't even fucking existed much before that(it was a very male hero dominated genre) and im seriously at the end of my rope with this slander of a character who was brought to her goddamn potential and written so well

she has ptsd you uneducated fucking walnuts let her have ptsd and stop acting like she needs to be more realistic. she's fully realistic and incredible and i love her

@HighPockets group

The Hunger Games is my favorite series of all time so I might be a bit biased, but still.
Also I will throw hands with anyone who wants to complain about her being "whiny" in Mockingjay. This is a seventeen year old, a child, whose father died when she was ten; who had to raise her sister and yes, her mother; who risked her life in multiple ways just to feed them; whose hearing was blown out at sixteen; who watched her friend bleed out and die in her arms; who found her other friend half-dead in the mud and had to nurse him to health with barely anything; who listened as another child, however cruel, was eaten alive by dogs manufactured to look like dead children; who saw her victory bring nothing but pain to everyone around her; who saw her final ally be beaten to death moments before being released into another hell; who lost her closest friend and confidant to a government that tortures her relentlessly, and you, the reader, who knows nothing of this, has the audacity to call her "whiny" for being a traumatized child who went through what most adults haven't?


people are just dumb that's all. if you can sit through that series and tell me she doesnt deserve to have seventeen full on mental breakdowns and scream and cry and want to die then uh. you're an idiot who doesn't understand trauma and needs to get a new fucking brain


I have my Mockingjay pins and I will wear them with pride.

oooo. i want to collect pins but i have literally nothing to wear them on lmao. and also i wont pay for hot topic pins so that option for acquiring goes out unless im stealing(which unfortunately harms the employees more than the corporation so)

@HighPockets group

The people who are annoyed by Katniss's PTSD are the same people who go "I want more mentally ill characters!!" and then complain when they're presented as three-dimensional and messy and not "uwu soft anxious girl" and that's the tea.

@HighPockets group

I have my Mockingjay pins and I will wear them with pride.

oooo. i want to collect pins but i have literally nothing to wear them on lmao. and also i wont pay for hot topic pins so that option for acquiring goes out unless im stealing(which unfortunately harms the employees more than the corporation so)

Deep inhale
I've been collecting enamel pins since 2015 (long story, but an extracurricular I do uses enamel pins as an Organization Thing and has tents and stuff set up so you can trade with people from around the world if you make it to Globals) and one year they did a set of Mockingjay pins and I managed to find them! Also I have one I got for super cheap at a garage sale lol

Deleted user

I have my Mockingjay pins and I will wear them with pride.

oooo. i want to collect pins but i have literally nothing to wear them on lmao. and also i wont pay for hot topic pins so that option for acquiring goes out unless im stealing(which unfortunately harms the employees more than the corporation so)

take them from hobby lobby
I'm pretty sure they have some pins
"If it's a chain it's free reign, if it's hobby lobby the world is your oyster. Steal from them, they're homophobic."

@HighPockets group

I'm pretty sure that Hobby Lobby doesn't have pins. Also if anything goes missing, it'll be blamed on the employees and they'll get punished for it.


The people who are annoyed by Katniss's PTSD are the same people who go "I want more mentally ill characters!!" and then complain when they're presented as three-dimensional and messy and not "uwu soft anxious girl" and that's the tea.

cough. you're right

depression?: owo im sad sometimes oop i only eat tiny portions bcs i'm too sad to be hungry and i cry a lot but a boy can fix all of that with a single kiss and a 'ur too pretty to be sad'


yeah missing merchandise can actually be taken out of tips and the paychecks of those in charge or even just the overseeing employee in that section of the store. like even if it's illegal they'll literally find a way to work around it and take money from them, even if it means cutting back their hours

@HighPockets group

The people who are annoyed by Katniss's PTSD are the same people who go "I want more mentally ill characters!!" and then complain when they're presented as three-dimensional and messy and not "uwu soft anxious girl" and that's the tea.

cough. you're right

depression?: owo im sad sometimes oop i only eat tiny portions bcs i'm too sad to be hungry and i cry a lot but a boy can fix all of that with a single kiss and a 'ur too pretty to be sad'

"My mental illness has no points that aren't romanticized! Everything, no matter how awful, is painted through rose-colored glasses to make my love interest swoon for me! Actual panic attacks that result in a breakdown? Nah, I just get a lil nervous before a presentation in class!'

Deleted user


stop! romanticizing! self! harm! in! fanfiction!!!!!

I am SICK AND TIRED of reading the same "'what are you doing babe?' he asked, gently removing the blade from my hands and gently wrapping up my arm. 'Promise me you'll never do it again.' 'I promise, Harry.'" lIKE, FUCK NO. SELF HARM IS NOT ROMANTIC. IT'S NOT CUTE AND IT'S NOT QUIRKY AND IT'S THE RESULT OF MENTAL ILLNESS. FUCK YOU FANFICTION AUTHORS WHO THINK YOUR CHARACTER'S SELF HATRED AND DEPRESSIVE DISORDER ARE JUST ANOTHER THING TO FANTASIZE ABOUT.