forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

Mrs. Gorf turned her students into apples by wiggling her ears because she "didn't like children, but she loved apples"

Then one held up a mirror and she turned herself into an apple, and Louis ate her.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Mrs. Gorf turned her students into apples by wiggling her ears because she "didn't like children, but she loved apples"

Then one held up a mirror and she turned herself into an apple, and Louis ate her.

fucking Louis thought that all of the apples (and lack of children) meant she was the best teacher in the world

@HighPockets group

Mrs. Gorf turned her students into apples by wiggling her ears because she "didn't like children, but she loved apples"

Then one held up a mirror and she turned herself into an apple, and Louis ate her.

fucking Louis thought that all of the apples (and lack of children) meant she was the best teacher in the world

The other teacher would just….send Todd home early if he interrupted class? Like send him home at lunch?? How's that supposed to help him learn?!

@ElderGod-kirky group

Mrs. Gorf turned her students into apples by wiggling her ears because she "didn't like children, but she loved apples"

Then one held up a mirror and she turned herself into an apple, and Louis ate her.

fucking Louis thought that all of the apples (and lack of children) meant she was the best teacher in the world

The other teacher would just….send Todd home early if he interrupted class? Like send him home at lunch?? How's that supposed to help him learn?!

the better question is: how is that supposed to be a punishment? i get to go home early?? hell yeah i'll interrupt class for that

Deleted user

I knew a kid who would wait until lunch/recess time and then just

book it

all the way home

@HighPockets group

Mrs. Gorf turned her students into apples by wiggling her ears because she "didn't like children, but she loved apples"

Then one held up a mirror and she turned herself into an apple, and Louis ate her.

fucking Louis thought that all of the apples (and lack of children) meant she was the best teacher in the world

The other teacher would just….send Todd home early if he interrupted class? Like send him home at lunch?? How's that supposed to help him learn?!

the better question is: how is that supposed to be a punishment? i get to go home early?? hell yeah i'll interrupt class for that

"Bad and naughty children get put on the bus home at noon!!"

Deleted user

also did any other school have that one really buff man who didn't really work at the school but was always there with the teachers and whenever an Anger Management Problem Kid would flip out he'd lead everyone out of the classroom and then just close the door so he was alone in the room with the kid and nobody knows what he would do

or was that just my school

@HighPockets group

also did any other school have that one really buff man who didn't really work at the school but was always there with the teachers and whenever an Anger Management Problem Kid would flip out he'd lead everyone out of the classroom and then just close the door so he was alone in the room with the kid and nobody knows what he would do

or was that just my school

Mine did this year, I think they were aides or something? My English class always had a buff aide in it, I think he was legit like a football coach or something.
Could've used a buff aide when I was in second grade and the Anger Management Problem Kid lunged at me with scissors and said he wanted to kill me :) no lasting anxieties from that incident :)


Nope. Alaska doesn't have aides. Fend for yourself or die, i guess

throwback to the time we got a shooter threat and the principal was legit like "yeah student safety is our priority and all but we're still having class today"

Deleted user

jyn will remember when it was some sort of trend to threaten to bomb/shoot up your school by writing on the walls

@HighPockets group

jyn will remember when it was some sort of trend to threaten to bomb/shoot up your school by writing on the walls

The uPpEr mIdDlE sChOoL I went to was right next to what was originally an alternative learning school but eventually became where they tossed all of the problem kids, and every year without fail someone at one (or both) of the schools carved a bomb threat into the bathroom stalls.
One was during tech week when I was in Into the Woods and so they closed the bathroom to rub it off, except it took them forever so all of us girls would have to haul our huge dresses to another bathroom and pray they didn't lock the doors on that bit of the building so we could make it back to the theatre (no we didn't have dressing rooms and our wings were pathetically small, I broke a costume piece by simply turning my head in there)
Also there was a faux school shooting at my actual high school; some girl called the cops to report a shooter so they evacuated the whole building. Luckily it was just some stupid fucking prank and also after-hours; I wasn't there but almost all of my friends were.


my highschool had the aides/whatever for special ed kids and kids who had major behavioral problems that might have made them a threat to other students if upset. there was this one kid who's aide i loved but he himself was the biggest fucking douchebag ever. talked all through class about tattoos he wanted and how the class was stupid, wouldn't do the work and then would just copy off me(to be fair, a lot of my classmates and i had a thing going where we would just share the answers we got, some days i would be the attentive one, some days others would, and our little circle would then pool together). he also would literally just punch me in greeting, as a goodbye, whatever and i couldn't stand being near him because he made me feel so anxious. also, he was constantly threatening other students for speaking and idk

@HighPockets group

my highschool had the aides/whatever for special ed kids and kids who had major behavioral problems that might have made them a threat to other students if upset. there was this one kid who's aide i loved but he himself was the biggest fucking douchebag ever. talked all through class about tattoos he wanted and how the class was stupid, wouldn't do the work and then would just copy off me(to be fair, a lot of my classmates and i had a thing going where we would just share the answers we got, some days i would be the attentive one, some days others would, and our little circle would then pool together). he also would literally just punch me in greeting, as a goodbye, whatever and i couldn't stand being near him because he made me feel so anxious. also, he was constantly threatening other students for speaking and idk

Ohhhh my God there was an annoying kid like that in my class, his aide seemed super nice but the kid was a grade-A asshole. If I hadn't been trying to impress the teacher (since I'm pretty sure I was considered a Problem Child by the English teachers because I thought the curriculum was too easy and wouldn't shut up about it) I would have slapped him across the face. Funnily enough, before I was in his class, I threatened to throw a chair at him as a joke. (Apparently my counselor didn't think it was a joke, but instead of getting mad she just went "you're not the only one", I love her.)
He sat behind me and just wouldn't fucking shut up and kept interrupting class and was just super annoying
I'm getting genuinely mad just thinking about him tbh

@HighPockets group

Apparently some kids fucked in the gender-neutral bathroom at uPpEr mIdDlE sChOoL (gotta love the irony of cishet students abusing something put in for LGBTQ ones lmao) and the girl got pregnant

@HighPockets group

The school was also all 8th and 9th graders, so in addition to being literal hell, it was filled with some of the most obnoxious people on the planet
I'm so, so glad that the actual high school was way better

Deleted user

a dude at my school brought tools to class and used them to disassemble a urinal


why would you put a bomb threat in the bathroom….like i get that it might be the easiest place to get away with it

but also like. lmao if ur gonna bomb the school and are like 'make sure to get the kids out' then put it somewhere staff'll see

bcs half the students are gonna assume it's just someone fucking around