forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

So our schedules for this upcoming year are in our grading program and I got all the classes I wanted but I'm missing a period and so is my friend. And since the school was talking about maybe doing half online, we think they might have cut that one and I can't handle doing school online again. I couldn't deal with teaching myself calculus for a few weeks without crying and we only did one thing. I'm going to kashoot myself if I have to do a whole year of AP Calc by myself

@ElderGod-kirky group

My school doesn't really know what they're doing next year. They sent out a survey to parents to kinda see what they want to happen? I think?? My mom says that it sucks, but if they have a bunch of regulations, especially if they force us to wear masks all day, then she's putting us into legit online school because she doesn't want to deal with it, and she also doesn't want us to deal with it


my district is going back(not meeee) but they're having the kids wear masks literally all day except for eating, and they somehow think theyre gonna upkeep the six foot rule. in our constantly overcrowded classrooms. like im sorry your teachers are literally struggling to keep up with having classes at least five kids over max and you want to. keep the kids six feet apart. are people teaching outside in open fields now???? where are you getting enough open fields for this????

@Pickles group

My school doesn't really know what they're doing next year. They sent out a survey to parents to kinda see what they want to happen? I think?? My mom says that it sucks, but if they have a bunch of regulations, especially if they force us to wear masks all day, then she's putting us into legit online school because she doesn't want to deal with it, and she also doesn't want us to deal with it

That's what ours did too and I'm guessing a bunch of people said online so their kids don't have to wear masks or something

@ElderGod-kirky group

The way that the original regulations are, they wanted us to have one kid per seat in a bus in every other seats. We struggle with fitting kids on a bus as it is. Our school did the math, and they'd have to buy over a million dollars worth of busses to fit that regulation and bus all of the kids.

And another thing. They wanted to have kids and teachers stay in one classroom all day, for all subjects. you do realize that teachers have certain qualifications they can't teach every fucking subject, right??????

They're all just. So stupid. And like you said, we aren't going to be able to keep to the six foot rule because once that bell rings for switching classes or leaving the school, or even starting school, you are bumping shoulders and (us short people) getting ran over because people are in a rush.


I really wish I could join a public online school
Mom’s expecting me to teach myself subjects so she can work on the littles, but I’m just not the kind of person that’s capable of that
I forget so easily it’s pathetic-


all of my siblings are in online and i dropped out for my ged so… heart goes out to you guys but damn am i glad im not stuck in public

@ElderGod-kirky group

all of my siblings are in online and i dropped out for my ged so… heart goes out to you guys but damn am i glad im not stuck in public

how's the math going, btw?


all of my siblings are in online and i dropped out for my ged so… heart goes out to you guys but damn am i glad im not stuck in public

how's the math going, btw?

still hell as always. im taking forever on this single set of flashcards for the study guide. partially because my family keeps asking me to do shit right when im about to start dcjdfh

@HighPockets group

all of my siblings are in online and i dropped out for my ged so… heart goes out to you guys but damn am i glad im not stuck in public

how's the math going, btw?

still hell as always. im taking forever on this single set of flashcards for the study guide. partially because my family keeps asking me to do shit right when im about to start dcjdfh

Oof what type of math? I'm doing algebra rn


well technically i'm repeating algebra one for like the third year. this was like the third year ig. but for the test, it covers a multitude of subjects. if you can see this, it covers the bits that'll be in the test, which is helpful for those of us who have to flash study because we're sophomores(this last year at least) who keep failing classes lmao


I'm ok at simple algebra, like Algebra I, but anything beyond that my brain shuts down. Like Jyn, I'm not wired for maths either. Numerical logic just doesn't compute. Geometry is so much worse. I have a problem with visio-spatial recognition, meaning things like judging distance, size, and how they relate to other objects is just whack for me. Looking at the mix of dotted and solid lines that supposedly make a 3D shape, I just..nope. It's not there. Teachers get confuzzled about how to teach me about shape dimensions when I can't see/imagine the darn thing, lol.


i have adhd which means i'm good at one core subject and okay at one more. i got ela and history. science is okay as long as it doesn't involve math but i've made my teachers cry with my complete lack of understanding of the concept of equations. don't even get me STARTED on graphing