forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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I won't die! I have evidence! But also fine. I will. I am taking it off. It is off as we speak.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My sister called me "dapper" and idk it was just gender euphoria

I had that happen once. It was odd. Nowadays I would bow and think no more of it.
Yes This has been a Dom Checkin. Goodbye my homo homies.


When I see "dapper", all I can think of is that one Lobster Bisque skit.
"You look…dapper."
"Dapper?! I'm supposed to look super hot!!"

lobster bisque was one of my favorite ones tbh

@HighPockets group

When I see "dapper", all I can think of is that one Lobster Bisque skit.
"You look…dapper."
"Dapper?! I'm supposed to look super hot!!"

lobster bisque was one of my favorite ones tbh

I have a mask with lobsters on it and you'd best believe I refer to it as my "lobster messsque!"


dhajsdh and I don't get pictures of said lobster messque?? how rude
honestly that sounds so cool and I think it reminds me of one of my friends in particular
I'd get one for her birthday but she moved to dumb germany

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Hello fools, I am at school and looking punk as hell
I also poured chocolate covered almonds in my mask and am eating them like a horse

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I have seen multiple queer people and will befriend all of them

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So uhm ,the girl I like is single and I'm getting a vibe she may like me too. I'll tell her at lunch how I feel, hopefully it goes well… I have confidence, so WISH ME LUCK.

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I no longer need to School, for I am an Adult who is Responsible and has so far done nothing to get into any college and has no idea what he's doing with his life.