forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Alright, I'm gonna take another break.
I'm in a mood so either I come back tommorow or I don't.

@Toaster group

So, I haven't seen my cousin since he got his name changed. When I saw him last Saturday, I was like, 'Holy shit, I can't remember his name. Kristen? Kearstin?' Turns out my sister straight up asked him what his name was and he answered, not at all offended by the question. It's just so nice to know I can ask his name without upsetting him.

@Pickles group

Apparently I have not made my sexuality clear enough because half the band still thinks I'm het and allo so uh. Don't really know how to make it clearer that I'm aro. Oops? Anyway there was a freshman who liked me for like a day and then decided he liked someone else because she liked him and as soon as she talked to him she realized she just wanted to be friends but he thinks she's interested bc someone told him before they actually talked. We went inside today during band cause it was pouring and we didn't do anything so now I'm updated on all the band tea


Oof I don’t have any band tea yet. Oh wait actually I do
We have these like theme days for camp and my section went as Star Wars characters and I was Obi-Wan and actually took the time to draw a beard on my face and it made me feel hella valid idk


What does that even mean

My parents are of the belief that homosexuality is one of the reasons why God would destroy a city. They think that since Rome normalized being gay (which, they didn't really) God let it fall. A lot of evangelical Christians believe that before Rome, Sodom was destroyed because it was a "gay city" (hence the modern definition of the word sodomy) even though Ezekiel 16:49 literally says exactly what was wrong with Sodom-
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."

So you know, eat the rich.

Also, if you guys ever need good bible based comebacks for when Mean Christians™ attack you for your gender or sexuality, hit me up.

@HighPockets group

Also wasn't there something about the people of Sodom (or maybe the other city, the one whose name I can't spell lol) getting super pissy over Lot inviting in the angels?


Also wasn't there something about the people of Sodom (or maybe the other city, the one whose name I can't spell lol) getting super pissy over Lot inviting in the angels?

TW, gang rape

Yeah that's like the main story.
It went like this

2 male looking angles: arrive as companions

Citizens of Sodom: get the f*ck outta here

Lot: you are kinda weird, but is ok come on in. You can stay at my place :)

Angels: t h a n k s 👌

Citizens of Sodom: rally around Lot's house HEY ANGLES, GET OUT HERE WE GONNA R*PE YOU

Lot: Heyyy thats fucked up. Listen, I'd rather you r*pe my daughters cuz I've pledged to protecc these boyos.

Sodomites: you know what? We're coming after all of you now.

Angels: GET INSIDE pulls Lot back inside. This town is whack, you guys should run away cuz we finna destroy the place now that we've seen they're all a bunch of r*pists

Lot: o h okay

(Taken from the OHCBT, Owen's Hip and Cool Bible Translation)

So that's the main story.
It's kinda funny that the Sodomites saw two men. Probably weird looking ones at that. Since they're angels. Perhaps we could even say queer looking. Two queer looking men. Arrive in a city together. And get threatened with gang r*pe. Is that not a story the LGBTQ community is all too familiar with?

And people try to twist the story and say that the Sodomites were the evil gays. Pft.

Overall, Sodom was destroyed because they were pervy and showed no hospitality, which was important in ancient Middle Eastern culture.

@HighPockets group

Ah, yes. I thought so. It's been a while since I've sat down and read the Bible lol (mine's spine broke and all the pages went oop-) but I always remembered liking Lot's stories. Especially when he's leaving the city and God is like "hey Lot, don't let anyone in your family turn back, just trust me on this one" and Lot's like "ok God" and Lot's wife is like "lol no" and looks back and gets turned into a pillar of salt.
Idk I always liked the odd stories like that. Esther is/was my fave though.


Fun fact! This salt/mineral pillar near the Dead Sea on Mount Sodom is nicknamed "Lot's wife" as an allusion to that story.