forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Pickles group

Also I know we already know this but it really cracks me up when straight people complain that a book has too many LGBTQ+ characters because I have like two straight friends

@HighPockets group

Also I know we already know this but it really cracks me up when straight people complain that a book has too many LGBTQ+ characters because I have like two straight friends

The StraightsTM: Ughhh this book has two lesbians, and one is black! And there's that one character mentioned in passing who's trans. I mean yeah they all die but forced diversity much :/
Me, looking at my casts: :)

I know The StraightsTM will get whiny about my casts, but I don't give a fuck. I'm a queer author who writes about queer characters, and if they don't like it, they don't have to read it.

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So Um yeah…school started back up again…and I'm crushing hardcore on this one girl in my Dance 101 class.. she is just so cute, but Idk if she is religious in anyway because she came from a Lutheran church. Plus…idk how to attract girls…guys seem to come at me , as for girls, not so much. I know I have had some bad encounters with girls before. BUT AGH

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Hi, I'm Orion. I'm a bi/aro trans man, and I'm looking to interact with people! This seemed like a good place to start!

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So, gender's weird, isn't it? Like, people think you have to fit into one or the other and when you don't meet someone's expectations they decide you're not valid in your identity. It does suck.

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Hi, I'm Pickles. She/her, ace, maybe probably aro but feelings are confusing and I don't like them

Hey! Hi! Greetings, Pickles!

@HighPockets group

Hi, I'm Pickles. She/her, ace, maybe probably aro but feelings are confusing and I don't like them

Same to this except I'm Jyn/Eva and not Pickles, until we die and our organs are used in the same science experiment.

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I'm Leo. Biromantic, somewhere on the asexual spectrum. I like Eminem, Edgar Allan Poe and the color black. Any pronouns works but I tend to prefer he/they.


Hi Orion! I'm Owen, demisexual and demiromantic. Probably non binary but with this much internalized transphobia I'm just pretending(?) to be a cis woman for now, so nice to meet you.

@Mojack group

my name is Mojack not actually, but hey

She/her, they/them. been questioning he/him for a while but gender is really confusing. it’s like, I questioned my sexuality for the longest time, found something I was happy with. but nobody told me I’d question my gender either.
right now I’m pretty comfortable with she/her or they/them. am demigirl. at least demi-something. ill update that when i figure it out.
questioning romantic, but asexual.

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why do most of our introductions have some sort of uncertainty in them

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why do most of our introductions have some sort of uncertainty in them

Because stuff is complicated. I, on the other hand, have massive unwavering hubris, and am definitely over questioning my orientation. Totally. cOmPLetElY