forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm in my last class of the day (Latin) and the teacher just went "It started with the Roman Empire" and I said out loud "Gods damnit, those romans" like my family isn't from italy

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Bro same
Latin just ended and I wanna nap but I'm gonna make fun of rome becuase fuck those guys
Little shits took over our original gods (I think, it's pretty damn hard to actually find shit about the italian gods. I fucking w o n d e r why)

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that's so true
Like, I understannd that y'all did a lot, but you also suck balls and I hate you

@HighPockets group

I'm big dumb and only said this on the PM but uh
Long story short, I read a book and it really shed new light on how I saw myself
I'm fairly certain that I fall somewhere on the aro spectrum. I know for sure that I could never fall in love with someone that I don't have a deep bond with, and I'm not fully sure that I could fall in love with anyone at all. And I don't think I really want to. So yeah.
Finger guns

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dunno, ppl are always assuming weird stuff about me just bc I'm queer, it's so annoying


Julia, I don't really know you or know what's wrong, but please consider texting START to 678678. Theyre really good trained counselors that can help you get to a place of calm. Or call the suicide help line- 1-800-273-8255. They also have a chat feature on the suicide helpline website if you're on a laptop.


We live in the same country, New Zealand, we were out of lockdown and living our best lives but some new cases popped up and then the government said we might go back into lockdown and they are deciding on friday which is the middle of our practice exams


Yikes on BIKES I went to a women's restroom and for the first time since probably before the pandemic, women came in and I wasn't alone. I felt like I was in the wrong place. No, that's not urinary shyness folks, that's extreme social discomfort related to my genderrr. like I actually felt like I'd be caught or something twas scary for no reasn

finger guns