forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I want some opinions from the trans/NBs in the chat.
Do you have to have body dysphoria in order to be trans/NB? Do you have to have social dysphoria to be trans/NB? Both? Neither? In order for someone to be considered trans/NB, should the criteria be about what makes them dysphoric or what makes them euphoric?


I believe the “criteria” officially is if you experience gender dysphoria either social or physical.
However I get the whole thing with euphoria. I don’t believe you’d be fully trans then, but that doesn’t mean you’re not somewhere on the spectrum.
But idk man, I don’t want to say too much because everyone has their own experience with gender and I don’t want to gatekeep


Does anyone know any cool subtle lgbt/bi symbols that I could use as like a jacket patch or something? I’m embroidering patches but I’m not out at home and I’m not putting a whole bi flag on there yet.

Ok I know I'm really late to this BUT there is a neat Instagram shop that sells both prideful and subtle pride pins. Its called The Pin Prick and the Instagram

@Becfromthedead group

Ohhh thats rad. A lot of it is still directly flag patterns, but i don't mind less subtle stuff in pins i can remove. You see, I'm in that fun little purgatory that is being out at school but not at home.

@Becfromthedead group

I did make some more patches btw. They're not pride stuff, but they're cute! It's basically a random snail, the ghost type Pokémon logo, and a fire emblem crest.


Y’all this dude on my discord server keeps trying to mock me by saying my name in a really nasally tone while drawing it out, but it just makes me happy that he’s not using my dead name

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Hey, So I'm happy that I get to go back to school, but sad part is…all my good friends are going on days I have to be at home. Plus….I feel like I can say this…but I think I'm poly…


I have a dear friend who suffers from physical dysphoria. I'm the type of person who feels quite unattached to my flesh vessel, but my friend is the opposite. What should I say to soothe them? The pain they're in breaks my heart and I have no idea how to console them. I tried suggesting they wear more gender confirming things, but they said it just reminds them of how their body isn't the way they want. If there's anyone who has physical dysphoria/body image issues here, what would you want to hear when the feelings are intense? Anyone can give input though.

@darling-velocipede group

right here bb, speaking from experience with a friend's dysphoria and my own body issues. honestly? there's not much you can say/do besides listen. make sure to use the friend's proper pronouns, gender, and name at every opportunity, but it's not something you can persuade or comfort a person out of. dysphoria hurts, and there's no way to catch a break from it. instead, try and distract them in person if you can– go for a walk, cook something, go to the library (wear masks tho, lmao). and probably stay away from mirrors :p


Thanks Velocipede. I definitely try my best in using preferred descriptors, compliments, and pronouns. Unfortunately we haven't been able to see each other since COVID. School's approaching, so I hope we get to do more distracting/uplifting friend outings and stuff. It sucks watching them having been dealt this hand and not truly being able to ease that pain 😞


I think I may have a crush on a guy? It's definitely at least a squish, but yeah, that's a new thing
We're pretty good friends, and I do know he's bisexual, but I doubt he reciprocates the feeling
Either way, he's chill
I ain't gonna tell him my feelings though, since I'm not sure of them myself, so instead I'm just gonna say my maybe feelings here

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Me, clawing my way up from hell: I am so t i r e d

I woke up at five for my first day of school and I regret my existence.

@Pickles group

Ha! Usually my school starts super early, but we're not starting until September 8th. It's good to not be the one suffering first for a change