forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Pickles group

why do most of our introductions have some sort of uncertainty in them

because we're all in tiny boats, bobbing in a sea of uncertainty and confusion

Well someone pull me into their boat because I'm drowning out here

Deleted user

100% about my sexual/romantic orientation.

it's hard to say with my gender.probably 60-70%.


fuck I missed the new guy

Sup Orion, the name is Ace, but others also call me Red. He/him pronouns. I like who I like and leave it at that. I do pushups by day and play games by night like a true Bardbarian.


I’m at least 80-90% certain I’m a girl. It may not seem like it when you’re constantly finding every way to have the least feminine-looking shape possible, but I think that’s just my worries and not an actual gender crisis. I assume. Not fully sure

I think I’m ace since I’m super extremely sex-repulsed, however I’m also so extremely repulsed that I sometimes wonder if there’s something actually wrong with me and I’m not ace after all, which wouldn’t matter because even if I’m not ace I will never allow myself to be anything other than ace since that’s messed up as hell.

However I’m also alloromantic to a very high level which also makes me question the ace thing, yet at the same time how do I know if this is romantic or just a constant desire for basic happy friendships and platonic affection?

And even then I think I like guys, but I don’t really find them attractive, I just judge them off of how they’d look as a drawing
I want to say I don’t like girls at all but they’re super aesthetically pleasing, however that doesn’t necessarily mean anything romantic, but then again that might be the internal homophobe talking, you know?
Enbys, trans peeps, and the like are definitely cute, not gonna lie there. but I still don’t know if I feel romantic attraction at all, so even if I’m not questioning that it’s still up in the air if I like like them or if they’re just cute

What I’m saying is, everything’s confusing, and I’m confused.
(sorry for the long post)

@Pickles group

Girls are pretty. Like really pretty. Boys are okay. I don't really think I want to date them, but sometimes something happens and I'm like oh heck. But it's hard to tell if it's actually romantic attraction or a squish or what. Because why would I all of the sudden have a squish on someone I'm already friends with?? Do I want to date them?? Do I want to hug them?? I don't knowww. And then sometimes I get wrapped up in questions and then I look at them and go wait gross, no. And sometimes that doesn't happen and I ?? But I'm at most demiromantic. Don't want to get married so at least I know that much.

@HighPockets group

Girls are pretty. Like really pretty. Boys are okay. I don't really think I want to date them, but sometimes something happens and I'm like oh heck. But it's hard to tell if it's actually romantic attraction or a squish or what. Because why would I all of the sudden have a squish on someone I'm already friends with?? Do I want to date them?? Do I want to hug them?? I don't knowww. And then sometimes I get wrapped up in questions and then I look at them and go wait gross, no. And sometimes that doesn't happen and I ?? But I'm at most demiromantic. Don't want to get married so at least I know that much.

Yes to this^
I'm fairly certain that I fall on the aro spectrum, since while I might think a stranger is pretty, I couldn't fall in love with someone I don't have a deep bond with (if I fall in love at all).

@Pickles group

And like. A looot of internalized homophobia that I can't get over which is not great when you realize you can't work out your feelings for a girl. Where's the line between "pretty people make me nervous" and "romantic attraction" or "talking to you makes me happy" and "I love you"? I don't know and I Do Not like it ~rant by Pickles


I stil have squishes on friends I'm friends with. Sometimes they just do something that triggers my platonic love for them. Other times I don't develop squish level friendship until later. It's definetely possible.

Deleted user

People pretty but I don't want romance with them. But people pretty. And I dumb. And I love too much and like I want a QPR so baaaaaad just ahhhhhh. Also it's like, hard being aromantic and bisexual cuz everyone assumes you're a heartless monster who sleeps with people and then discards them, when like,,,, no. Not true. As for gender, I'm pretty cool with saying I'm a man even if I don't entirely fit into any category. I'm just,,, that way,,, but all I know is want top surgery and hug my friends which is neat.


Jumping onto the random rant train…
I so badly wanted to be cis or something lol
Like I didn’t want to. I just so badly didn’t want to be anywhere on the trans spectrum. Because that would be another coming out, and another thing that had the possibility of making me lose people. And gender is a constant thing that everyone knows about, unlike sexuality where you know you don’t have to share that with everyone and still be out. But I guess that sort of stopped bothering me or something?? Idk. But yeah I’m bigender and that’s pretty lit.

@darling-velocipede group

tragically i've missed most of the gay introductions, but i'm august. they/them, just label as queer bc for me personally labels are time n' brain consuming and ultimately not my thing. nice to meet you orion, love

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I wish I was cis too. Still not 100% as far as what my gender is, but we're slowly getting there. I just wish there was no confusion and I was either a cis guy or girl. Ya know?