forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Also I hate to be That Guy but *angels

It's chill, angles/angels is in my top ten frequently misspelled words lol

@HighPockets group

Also I hate to be That Guy but *angels

It's chill, angles/angels is in my top ten frequently misspelled words lol

Ah okay cool, I'm always scared that people will get upset when I point out errors and stuff lol

Deleted user

So, is it bad i'm crushing on a christian girl She is like super cute, and is in show choir with me. BUT idk how to talk to her. Maybe I need to just leave it be. Idk.

Deleted user

So, is it bad i'm crushing on a christian girl She is like super cute, and is in show choir with me. BUT idk how to talk to her. Maybe I need to just leave it be. Idk.

Deleted user

It's not bad that you're crushing on anyone, but otherwise I have no advice.

Deleted user

Awesome! Also can I say one of my music teachers who moved schools is PREGNANT! 2 months along and I'm all like "YAY GOOD FOR HER!"


Part of me wants to start going by my preffered name in school. Thing is, if I ask one teacher I have to ask all of the teachers. It's a pretty small school and they'd figure it out anyway. It's not a secret I can keep to certain classrooms. Most teachers would probably think it's weird, but it's not like I have any other reputation. There's only one teacher holding me back. He's a religious Mormon and has talked about how sometimes the LGBT are silly. Not in a horrible way, like he's not queerphobic, he just obviously doesn't support it. I don't know. I've never seen him interact with openly gender variant kids, so I can't really know. He's my favorite teacher. We get along great and I can tell he values me. I love his classes- writing and film. That's what I want to go into career wise. Point is, I'm very attached to this teacher. He's helped me and my loved ones out plenty of times. He's a great guy.
I feel like if I told him my preffered name, or someone else did, he'd look at me differently. Think less of me. Maybe even just call me by my last name to avoid it. That'd break my heart. I'd rather come out at home and be kicked out for being non-binary than let him down even just a little bit. I like the relationship we have now. I don't wanna ruin it over a name. Do you guys have a teacher like that?

Deleted user

thought that said "I'm very attracted to this teacher" and I was ready to hunt you down and ✨beat your ass✨ as I've threatened to do many times before


thought that said "I'm very attracted to this teacher" and I was ready to hunt you down and ✨beat your ass✨ as I've threatened to do many times before

e w w w w w w w no that's not what I meant

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So um, I'm thinking about coming out to my aunt and grandma today.
BIG NOTE: my grandma is a total christian and doesn't believe in LGBTQ+ much, so yeah.
My aunt on the other hand, idk.
Kinda scared, kinda feel like i'm going to get sick.

@Pickles group

thought that said "I'm very attracted to this teacher" and I was ready to hunt you down and ✨beat your ass✨ as I've threatened to do many times before

Me too

Deleted user

@Simply_A_Les-bean what do you identify as? because as far as I'm aware you identified as a trans male for a long time and now you're a lesbian?

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It took awhile, noticing no one would be able to understand and I was confusing myself. But after May, I did some looking into and well, yeah. I guess I'm still trying to find my true self? So far lesbian has been my calling for awhile. I've just been refusing it due to how many guys kept asking me out. So I guess, I've always been lesbian?

Deleted user

Hahaha, that moment when you think you've caught feels for another online friend who you've known for ages and you know that she doesn't like you because as much as we joke about loving each other she's told you that she doesn't like your gender