forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Sorry , I'm having a meh week. Due to what I just read. from past responses.

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Idc if they do or don't. Honestly, I'm semi over all this shit.

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So, Ig on a positive note , me being trans was a phase after this whole pandemic. Finding out girls are so much better than guys sometimes. And that I now prefer girls more.


I just remembered something really obscure-
there was an lgbt book that came out in like
december of 2018 or 2019 and i can't remember what it was called but I remember I was like "oh man I'll hopefully check it out when it comes out" but I don't remember what it was-

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I'm having strong feelings. Not dysphoria exactly but adjacent. My new perfume came in the mail today and while I'm super happy excited about it my brain is like nO you're a MAN you gotta do MAN things. Not that I know what man things are I'm just. Being.


I'm having strong feelings. Not dysphoria exactly but adjacent. My new perfume came in the mail today and while I'm super happy excited about it my brain is like nO you're a MAN you gotta do MAN things. Not that I know what man things are I'm just. Being.

Listen my guy, if cis men can do feminine things and still be men, then trans men can do feminine things and still be men. You get to define what masculinity is to you. If that involves perfume, that's great, personally I think everyone should smell good. Smelling good is a gender neutral fad.

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Yeah I do take good care of my personal hygiene, don't worry.

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Wait was that too much information because if so I'm sorry.


Unpopular opinion: Men who smell like flowers/roses, fresh baked pastries, vanilla, chocolate, and the like are so much more “manly” and attractive than guys who smell like sandalwood, gun ranges, and crippling alcoholism