forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Spoiler tagged because it's a vent and it's very small brained and stupid

@Moxie group

if it makes you feel any better, you don’t fit any stereotype I’ve ever seen from my interactions with you and watching you interact with people

Deleted user

So what if you do fit stereotypes? I know feminine gay men and masculine lesbians and they've never been "faking" anything. You do you bro.

Deleted user

It is OKAY to fit a stereotype. Nobody can take your identity away from you.

Deleted user

Hell, even I fit into the stereotype of "softe transe boye" and like. I'm still who I am. People need to get over their shit.

@Pickles group

Sometimes people fit stereotypes. That's how they got there. But a stereotype is not a person and is stereotypically two dimensional and you my friends are people and multi-faceted and I will punch anyone who sees you only as a stereotype :)

@HighPockets group

I don't really think you fit the stereotype, but even if you did, transphobes see what they want to see, not what's really there (hence their ignoring of science and such to go "uhh boy is boy no matter what!"). There's really no pleasing them, and it's worth much more to be comfortable than to try and justify yourself to them.

@Pickles group

Idk Prince Achmed was pretty hot

My sister's taken to verbalizing her distaste when we listen to No One Remembers Achmed and I'm just like okay but-