forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Or him? Or her? Or like every neopronoun ever? Idk nonbinary people are funky and cool when it comes to pronouns.


Or him? Or her? Or like every neopronoun ever? Idk nonbinary people are funky and cool when it comes to pronouns.

I saw in an interview that he's cool with any pronouns

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Day ??? of Quarantine: I am teaching myself the ukulele out of desperation.


ok so i feel like i’ve talked about this before, but my best friend is one of the only people i’m out to on my softball team, and i have a crush on one of the other girls on the same team, and my best friend knows that i like her, but she likes to talk really loudly about my crush and my sexuality when we’re talking privately while the team is around and i don’t know how to tell her how to either stop talking about when we’re with everyone else or just start keeping her voice down in a nice way, because i really don’t want some of the other girls to know. does anyone have any ideas of what i could do? i’ve tried talking about it to her privately, but she’ll stop for like a week and then start doing it again.

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So last night I literally gave myself a pep talk about how I'm going to tell the girl I like her.

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ok so i feel like i’ve talked about this before, but my best friend is one of the only people i’m out to on my softball team, and i have a crush on one of the other girls on the same team, and my best friend knows that i like her, but she likes to talk really loudly about my crush and my sexuality when we’re talking privately while the team is around and i don’t know how to tell her how to either stop talking about when we’re with everyone else or just start keeping her voice down in a nice way, because i really don’t want some of the other girls to know. does anyone have any ideas of what i could do? i’ve tried talking about it to her privately, but she’ll stop for like a week and then start doing it again.

Remind her when she does it. If she keeps it up, just keep reminding her. She's going to get it eventually if she's really a good friend, and she probably is, so no worries.


If people try to tell you "sex is binary so gender is too", show them this graph ha. Sex isn't just defined as external genetalia at birth- there is isn't just male, female, and one type of intersex. Biological sex is mix of brain structure, hormone levels, and secondary sex characteristics.


so I’m not gay
but like
I just really want some cute girl to like hold me in her arms and stuff, call me cute nicknames, go mall walking together, take me to nice restaurants, live with me, bake stuff with me, demolish me in Mario Kart, raise two fluffy dog children, maybe even kiss me sometimes I dunno
no homo tho, we’ll just be friend married

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Oof, I want that so badly. Wanna be friend married lol?


I've been humming along to Girls/Girls/Boys for the past hour. It's now stuck in my head and as gay as I am, I would like to get it unstuck please, but with other gay songs. Any suggestions?

@mozartsnumberonefan group

If people try to tell you "sex is binary so gender is too", show them this graph ha. Sex isn't just defined as external genetalia at birth- there is isn't just male, female, and one type of intersex. Biological sex is mix of brain structure, hormone levels, and secondary sex characteristics.


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

If people try to tell you "sex is binary so gender is too", show them this graph ha. Sex isn't just defined as external genetalia at birth- there is isn't just male, female, and one type of intersex. Biological sex is mix of brain structure, hormone levels, and secondary sex characteristics.

I'm gonna print this out and put it in my wallet


I've been humming along to Girls/Girls/Boys for the past hour. It's now stuck in my head and as gay as I am, I would like to get it unstuck please, but with other gay songs. Any suggestions?

Oh My God by (G)-IDLE
Gekihaku by REOL
they aren’t really the same genre as girls/girls/boys but it’s all I really know atm, might update later as I’ve been trying to research and create a decent sized Spotify gay-list