forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Deleted user

Exactly. Like. I just, it isn’t that hard. Seriously.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, like it might be hard to grasp that someone uses he/him pronouns and ids as a woman, but just. Call that person by the right pronouns and don't think about it too much lol


ye, i feel like people should be called by whatever makes them feel happy or comfy
it don't need to make sense to you, you just gotta respect their decision yanno?

Deleted user

Honestly my mom is only okay with transness as long as the person fits into a binary gender, passes, and is a man because for some reason she thinks trans women aren’t really women and honestly it’s frustrating because over half my friend group is trans and like. Most of them do not fit in with her idea of gender. I’m sorry for venting I’m just pissed about things.

Deleted user

ye, i feel like people should be called by whatever makes them feel happy or comfy
it don't need to make sense to you, you just gotta respect their decision yanno?


@Pickles group

I- it takes so much more energy to fight someone on it than it does to just respect them so like ?? hon calm down, it isn't your business, just use the right pronouns

@Moxie group

Honestly being closted really sucks for two reasons. One, it's really hard and exausting to cover your tracks and make sure you don't out yourself. And two, not being able to actually be who you are … really hurts and really sucks. Like it sounds cliche but not being able to be who you truly are is a really hard and hurtful experience.

So yeah anyways I totally get what you mean.


so the topic of sexuality came up once again somehow in the group chat
…maybe I shouldn’t have said I’m not aromantic, should’ve just left it at ace
the support has gone down
the “oh you’ll change your mind when you get older” convo has begun
I’m alright, but it doesn’t feel nice coming from the first people you’ve opened up to

@Milani eco

Its terrible when people say things like that. Its not a phase. Its not something that a person can grow out of. Its their life.
Stay out of their decisions and their way of living, if you feel as though something they're doing is harmful to them or others, then butt in, but not when someone is figuring out/ has figured out their sexuality. Stay out of it.

@HighPockets group

And, like, it's totally fine if down the line you realize that the label you gave yourself doesn't quite fit, that's totally fine and normal. But what isn't fine is when other people try to tell you how you're supposed to/will identify.

Deleted user

I could be better.
Being single really sucks.
The girl I like is taken.
My ex keeps trying to get back with me.
And OH not to mention school started up again and it is hell rn.
But other than that I guess it's great.

Deleted user

im stressed but im managing i started my senior year of high school, i realized i might have ost all of my attraction to men, i met someone pretty neat thats also nonbinary, they do cosplays and they are so hekkin talented and they are really cute, we are kinda flirting back and forth (platonically) im really sad because im in missouri and their in frikken canada.

@Mojack group

I know it’s not needed for non binary people to be androgynous, but I really wished I looked more androgynous. Just neither looking nor feminine nor masculine..maybe in between, maybe not.

thinking back to an anon I was chatting with last night and how they wished to be a shapeshifting eldritch horror, take on any form they so desire. And I say to that, hell yeah.

Deleted user

Okay, so this is weird, but rn I am craving Sushi hardcore.
It's more than a want, it's a NEED