forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm new here, and I'm pretty gay so i showed up here in the LGBT chat, ill tell you all a little about myself, I'm 17 my names Virginia but i mainly go by V, Big Bisexual, she/her, and im in my senior year of high school, apparently i have big-time dad energy, I live in the midwest, I'm good at listening to people i like art, photography, playing the sims/Minecraft/gta5, and talking to new people. music a big part of my life, i play guitar and piano, my music taste is all over the place, I can listen to anything from Mxmtoon to old school Metallica, I usually say i listen to anything but country if you have any music artists you like maybe send me recommendations because i desperately need them as I've just been listening to the same 5 songs on repeat for the last couple of weeks (=

Hello! I’m Max, also big boi bisexual, and I mainly go by they/them. I wish I had music recommendations for you but I’ve literally resorted to listening to my music from 2018 this week because I’d listened to like…everything else lmao.
But welcome!!

@HighPockets group

Halloween idea: dress up as famous homophobes but make it gay. Post pictures on the internet and tag them. Make them uncomfortable

This has the same vibes as that Trump/Biden thing from Ella


Halloween idea: dress up as famous homophobes but make it gay. Post pictures on the internet and tag them. Make them uncomfortable

This has the same vibes as that Trump/Biden thing from Ella

On god I could dress up as Trump…maybe that should be my costume


Today’s vibe is realizing that even though my parents said they’d completely pay for college, I’ll still be applying to as many scholarships as possible and saving as much as I can in case when I come out as genderfluid they cut me off financially.
So that’s a fun vibe


I am truly sorry for whoever is a Spotify friend (Or whatever their called) because all they know is that I have been listening to Do You Hear The People Sing? from Les Mis for the past 2 hours while I attempt to get these write ups done

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I'd crossdress as femboy trump any day

Drag queen Trump

that is a lovely idea-

@HighPockets group

I'd crossdress as femboy trump any day

Drag queen Trump

that is a lovely idea-

Please someone who is semi talented at drag and is old enough to vote do this when they go to vote-

I am neither lol

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My friends: gets costume Idea's for halloween
Me: I'm just gonna wear my Eliza Hamilton dress.
Them: But what about our Sanderson sister's??
Me: Schuyler sister's !!
Everyone else:breaks into song


I have hope for us.
I know this will be the bajillionth time I've mentioned being an lgbtq affirming Christian, but it's taught me a lot.
I've been in my radical right wing family bubble for so long, I never thought that there were reasonable people who could think being lgbt was ok. But the truth is, that population is growing, and I'm happy to be included in that.
The damage that exclusive, hyper religious Christians have done to the queer folks in America is no secret. Luckily, over half of the next generation of Christian leaders are lgbt affirming, and I think that number will grow. Churches of the most rejecting denominations are turning away from that sin and becoming more welcoming and affirming. They're losing the transgender debate and the equal marriage opposition. They're seeing lgbt people as people instead of issues, which is a great first step to dropping the whole sin part altogether. Their hateful ignorance is being shoved in their faces, and yes, by people like us. The American church used to be opposed to the abolition of slavery. Though that was a much more severe crime than the attitudes and acts we witness towards lgbt people today, I have hope that the future church, and just everyone in general, will look back and say "we were wrong".

This is why education is important. It literally saves lives. It has to start with us and where we are. Meet people where they're at, if you can. Talk to people in your communities, if you can. Show them that lgbt rights are human rights. Show them that discriminating against lgbt people is just as ridiculous as discriminating against eye color or the dominant hand. Show them it's part of us. Be kind, prove to them we aren't villains and we don't want to change their core beliefs (I mean, unless their religion/belief system/political party is literally just queerphobia). Show people to move with the times, because human decency should be timeless.

We're not the first, but I hope to God we're the last.

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Honestly we need queer leaders in the church for this exact reason.

@Becfromthedead group

Speaking of discrimination based on eye color, have y'all ever seen/heard of Jane Elliot's brown eye/blue eye experiment??? It's more targeted at trying to understand racial inequalities, but it's really interesting nonetheless.